Moneta (Sep-October) Sep-Oct | Page 3

ISSUE NO: 17 SEP-OCT Impact of Surgical Strike on Indian Market On 18th September 2016, Pakistan based terrorist group JeM attacked on Indian army camp in Uri, Kashmir. Our 18 soldiers died in the attack. In response to this, on 29th September, Indian army conducted surgical strikes across the Line of Control. Surgical Strike and Market Now the question appears what is the connection between Surgical Strike and Market Behaviour? The answer is various factors like Sentiments, Emotions, Uncertainty and risk affect the market. Stock market reacts in very short time as any sentiment is definitely going to create uncertainty. In conditions like war, surgical strike or ceasefire, most of traders and investors hit sell and pull out money from market. Those who want to invest postpone it till the time market comes in stable condition. Market don’t like uncertainty of any type and thus even if this is repeated in future, 1|Page market may not show positive signs. History The relation has been quite strong between war/surgical strikes and market. During world war European market was devastated whereas USA remained strong. Last time India came closest to a war was Kargil issue. At that time also Sensex went down for short period but as India remain strong against Pakistan it gained around 40% in just two month time. So it all depends on how much investors show confidence in the market even after such events Surgical Strike Impact