The Science and Spirituality Series
The Sublime Mystery of
Divine Innovation
Article by Prof. Dr. Eng. Zoltán István Marosy
Integral Studies Academy, London, England;
Ecological University of Bucharest, Romania
“God counts to infinity in every moment of
it really so?
The Islamic Quran describes a journey, made by the
prophet Mohamed together with Archangel Gabriel, to
different subtle realms symbolizing heaven and hell.
The journey of our life meticulously falls into place There are statements here about sequential leaps to
within the predetermined limits set by the wristwatch, parallel astral worlds, leaps taken instantaneously.
the train schedule or, most commonly, by the agenda
we plan every morning.
Mohamed was able to see the past, present and fu-
ture in a single temporal unit, understanding how all
We seek to live our life in the way we feel best for events interconnect in a way that makes the Universe
us and we count our years by the earnings we have whole and harmonious. Although the duration of the
gathered through hard work. We recall the past years journey was quite long, upon their return Mohamed
with joy or sadness and sometimes we imagine what found that only a few minutes had actually passed.
it would have been like had we chosen a different
road at a certain moment.
We can search for answers to our questions only with
a few minutes of deep introspection. It is not neces-
We wonder whether our lives would have changed sary to waste time studying a phenomenon using
and if so, in what ways? exclusively our minds and logical reasoning, not if we
can establish a direct connection to the events that
Keywords: innovation, science and spirituality
Yesterday is today
triggered the phenomenon in the first place.
Any kind of manifestation in the Universe is, at its
core, a necessity, and there are no phenomena in the
Quite often, man comes into this world and lives physical world that haven’t been previously created and
without understanding a thing from his life; even coordinated in the world from beyond time and space.
childhood time goes into oblivion, those years when
time seemed to stop with seeing a sunset, or hearing A human being who is spiritually awakened is longing
the sound of the rain as the soul whispered its long- to improve their life, to bring joy and light in the souls
ing for the sun. Sometimes we would like to go back of the beloved ones. This category includes also cre-
somewhere in the past and change a certain thing, ativity and innovation in the physical, tangible world.
maybe offer an answer at the right time, or we’d like
to know beforehand a result that might change our Nowadays, there is a strong tendency to label people in
decisions. two different ways: the ones who feel emotions, and who
are significantly open towards the spiritual world, and
We melancholically say to ourselves that there is noth- those who study and apply practical knowledge, these
ing we can do anymore and that there are others who ones being considered incompatible with a spiritual life.
will be able to change something in this world; but is
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