the supra-mind body that all human beings have. By that we all have as humans, one that is worth explor-
acting in this way the superior intuition is awakened ing, taking and fulfilling. The same is happiness. The
and this coincides with a new way of knowing that is reason these two are also very related is that if we
instantaneous, without prior reading or hearing from take another closer look into the model of Pancha
others, capable of synthesis on any aspect of reality Kosha – the next body from the one that is somewhat
be it a human being, a valuable idea or a thought. linked to geniality is the Anandamaya kosha or the
body of bliss. This is the most refined body and is
The state of genius and the
education by consciousness
generally only perceived in brief flashes of unaltered
happiness or bliss. This is where elevated emotions
are experienced along with we experience of unity
Vijnanamaya kosha is introduced in the Pancha Kosha, with the universal Consciousness. This experience
a model of yogic philosophy. The model of Pancha can only be realized when consciousness is expanded
Kosha comes from the Taittirya Upanishad and is said deeper than the material world, but the lasting ef-
to be one of the most ancient conceptualizations of fects are endured and with adequate training it can
the human being. The term comes from the Sanskrit be repeated and established. This is the start of the
pancha, meaning “five,” and kosha meaning cover or happiness ever after zone, towards the destination
bodies. This concept explains the human being as of the revelation of one’s true nature – the final des-
having 5 layers - namely: tination of all human’s hearts, towards where we all
strive consciously or not.
y y Annamaya kosha - the physical body
y y Pranamaya kosha - the life force body
y y Manomaya kosha - the mind body
y y Vijnayanamaya kosha - the supra-mind body
y y Anandamaya kosha - the bliss body
The importance of the genius
state in education
The state of genius brings to the person whom awak-
ened it in their being, an enormous creative power
Another concept of the traditional yoga system that as well as a vivid originality in line with the unique
is useful in education as it brings genius in light is the personality of that person.
concept of energetic wheels of consciousness. Each
one of these has a direct link to certain qualities that Relating to the manner in which education should be
can be awakened through adequate and persistent delivered Plato said “Do not train a child to learn by
yoga practice. The genius state from this perspective force or harshness; but direct them to it by what amuses
is a quality interlinked with the sixth wheel. their minds, so that you may be better able to discover
with accuracy the peculiar bent of the genius of each”.
We can therefore conclude that genius is not a mere It is not by chance that at MONAD we have started to
accident of nature or left to genetics, nor is a chance collaborate with children and we are asking for their
of geography or historical periods, but a possibility candid views on education. And it is also not by chance
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