Momentum - Business to Business Online Magazine September 2017 | Page 11
Our Local Heroes
ago, I sat down in a meeting with our President &
A few months
CEO, Steve Paterson, to start planning cover stories for our
MOMENTUM magazine for the remainder of 2018. Never in my
wildest dreams did I imagine how ironic the timing could have
been when we picked the month of September to honor our local
heroes. This issue will be released a little under two weeks from
when Harvey devastated our community; a community that has
always been close to one another, a community that has always
believed in serving and placing others needs before there own.
Without question, many of our community leaders and volunteers
stepped up to the plate when it really counted, many whose own
homes had been destroyed by Harvey’s vicious flooding. But that
didn’t matter to them. The most important thing was getting out
there and helping others who they considered worse off than
themselves. Many of these people are a part of our Chamber
family, and some are even close friends of mine, I’m proud to say.
The next few pages are just a small glimpse into the last two
weeks of our community & first responders working together,
loving one another and, doing what they do best, being local
Volunteers working at the Kroger Relief Distribution Center
By: Erin Webb,
Communications & Media Director
League City Regional Chamber of Commerce
[email protected]
Team HEB helping out at the Kroger Relief Distribution Center
From Councilman Greg Gripon’s Facebook Page…