Momentum - Business to Business Online Magazine MOMENTUM March 2018 | Page 12
Here is where those two words, kindness and compassion,
come back into play. I know I am not alone when I
immediately think of Mayor Hallisey when those two words are
spoken, and that couldn’t have been more clear when it came
time for the people of our community to come together and
step in to give him a helping hand. While Mayor Hallisey was
in the hospital and in rehab, several community leaders
organized a complete clean out and remodel of his home so
that when he and Janice came back, it would be ready for
them. These volunteers worked sun up to sun down, Sunday
through Sunday, to make sure every last detail was
perfect. After all, Mayor Hallisey not only needed to come
home to a completed house, but it also needed to be able to
accommodate his new wheelchair. Through their tireless
efforts, this project was completed for his homecoming.
Above: Mayor Pat Hallisey taking his first steps in his new
prosthetic leg
Now feeling more determined than ever, Mayor Hallisey is
preparing to start walking with a prosthetic leg. Speaking with
his wife Janice today, she explained that he has the prosthetic
leg in his possession and has been working hard with doctors
and therapists on walking with it so that sometime this
summer he will be out of his wheelchair and WALKING back
into city hall.
For me personally, and many that I know, being around Mayor
Hallisey is a breath of fresh air. I have never met someone so
positive, upbeat and full of life. He has this ability to walk into
a room and immediately brighten it up. I am honored to call
Above: Mayor Pat Hallisey and wife Janice with his new
prosthetic leg.
him my friend. It comes as no surprise that Mayor Hallisey was
nominated and awarded the Business Professional of the Year
by the League City Regional Chamber of Commerce.
Mayor Hallisey is easily accessible to anyone wanting to reach
out to him at City Hall. He genuinely enjoys speaking with
citizens and encourages them to call him whenever
City Hall: 281-554-1000
MOMENTUM / March 2018
Above: Mayor Pat Hallisey with Chamber staff Erin Webb (left)
and Jane McFaddin (right)