Momentum - Business to Business Online Magazine MOMENTUM August 2017 | Page 10
Small Biz Tips
Why Is Mobile Website SEO So Important?
BEWARE . . . Google is at it again. They are making
major changes to their algorithm which determines
internet website rankings. This is important because if
you ignore Google and their expectations then Google
will ignore you and your website. Now do you really
want that to happen? I didn’t think so! Google is the
largest and most important Search Engine on Planet
Earth. Therefore, they control what search results are
seen on page one, two, and three. After that it doesn’t
matter much. Very few people look beyond page three.
Do you? If you expect to, or would like to rank high in
Google then pay attention to this and take the
appropriate action.
The SEO (Search Engine Optimization) of your Mobile
Website will take precedent over the SEO of your
desktop website sometime in early 2018.
The exact date is unknown as Google rarely gives out
specific details. “In Early 2018” is about the best time
frame that is currently available. This translates to
having a totally mobile website and one in which the
SEO is at its Best. A second rate effort here will cost you
and your website the exposure that you have been
working towards. If your website manager, designer, or
developer isn’t talking with you about this you may want
to ask yourself . . . Why Aren’t They?
MOMENTUM / August 2017
By: Steven Reddy,
Select Marketing
[email protected]
Most every business has a website. Many are mobile or
mobile responsive as well. Now it will be critical for the mobile
website SEO to be at its best since Google will be giving that
more attention than its big brother desk top. You don’t have
to like it . . . or even understand it; however, you do need to
know about it. Ignoring this change with Google will only hurt
you and your business! We would like for that not to happen.
That is why this Alert is being issued. It provides you with
plenty of time to make the necessary adjustments to your
mobile website.
Your business website is the most important business
marketing tool in your arsenal. It should tell website visitors
everything that you want them to know about your business.
With that in mind, if website visitors can’t find you online then
your money and website are being wasted and I’m certain
that won’t make you happy. Take care of this necessary
adjustment as soon as you can. Get ahead of the curve and
enjoy beating your competition in managing your website
presence. If you don’t understand any of this contact your
website manager ASAP!