Modern Tango World N° 8 (Moscow, Russia) | Page 46
Fan Kick (Golpe de Artisande)
After kicking forward, the follower extends the
leg high and straght around in a circular, with a
motion similar to develope.
Back Kick (Ruade)
A short quick unled rearward kick by the fol-
lower. The leg is bent at the knee, similar to a
boleo, but unled.
Mule Kick (Retroceso)
A sudden straight backward movement by the
follower’s free foot, followed by a slow recovery.
After, the leg is a fully rolled ot, the follower
pushes out a rearward kick. She begins with a
bent knee in the free leg and straightened it out
so that the shin is parallel to the floor.
Kick Step (Paso Golpe)
A step forward followed by a rebound with a
light forward flick of the forward foot.
Knee Flick/Snap (Golpe de Rodilla)
A slight, sharp sideways flick of the knees togeth-
er, one knee against the other. Both together can
be rather ugly.
Leg Drop or Heel Tap (Gota)
An unled adornment by he follower in which
the heel of the standing leg is raised in-place and
lowered again sharply.
Fan (Artisande)
Tracking the floor either forward or backward,
skimming across the floor in a circular sweep.
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