Modern Tango World N° 8 (Moscow, Russia) | Page 45

Mutual Boleos ( Voleo Mutuo ) In a giro combined with a colgada or volcada , the dancers share a mutual axis , as they rotate . During this rotation , the dancers alternate boleos while they spin . This is not an easy move , and requires practice together to get timing and balance correct .
Kicks ( Golpes ) Any sudden exerted action that lifts the dancer ’ s foot off the dance floor . There is a huge variety of golpes that followers may employ as an adornment . Usually , these are performed during the interlude portion of the song when the leader pauses to allow the follower to express their interpretation of the song .
High Kick ( Golpe Arriba ) While softening the supporting knee , the follower kicks the free leg as high as possible , in any direction , straightening it and pointing the toe .
Kick Ball ( Bola Golpe ) Forward flick of the foot after touching the ball of the foot , to the floor and before changing weight .
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