Modern Tango World N° 4 (Bucharest, Romania) | Page 30

Addiction Kiran Bajaj Sawhney Tango is very addictive. Although the consequences of this addiction are primarily positive, many dancers have reported experiencing withdrawal symptoms when they don’t dance. The symptoms include being sad and feeling uncomfortable. Tango comes as a package. It is highly volatile and full of emotions that are not fake. One feels and experiences love, anger, frustration, guilt, sadness, everything and one keeps going back to it with vengeance. Relationships are made and broken in tango. Break ups happen but tango continues. There are self-confessed tango addicts, whose addiction is not limited to tango. Tango takes over their life, lifestyle, choices, sleep, everything. What makes Tango very addictive? The amount of investment you put in an art form is directly proportional to the level of addiction and to your enhanced skills. This investment can be in terms of time spent in taking lessons, attending workshops and festivals, going to milongas, etc. You reap plethora of rewards Tangueros tango shop keeping with milongas in mind. that range from learning to pleasure, freedom, feeling The whole wardrobe undergoes a change. Shoes exhilarated and stress free always. The sea is so vast and dresses get piled up. We have tango friends and that every time you go to a milonga, your happiness nontango friends clearly demarcated and slowly level goes up just thinking of what you will explore non-tango friends are pushed away somewhere far today. The steps are countless. in horizon and tango friends rule. Normal regular music ceases to please tangueros and only tango Few people ever got bored of tango, even those who music heard around them. Having bad nights are learned it easily, because they know all the steps At part of tango. Be prepared to accept this because the age of 60, after having danced for decades, Pablo we all have them. Sometimes the music sucks, or Veron, said that he had still more to learn about tango. none of your favourite partners came. Sometimes everyone comes with a partner, or perhaps it’s just the full moon. There is always tomorrow night. Re- Thw tango experience is often referred as bliss. It is member this and it will be easier to pick yourself up no coincidence that tango connection makes a person reach sublime pinnacle. Amongst all other dance again and put on your tango shoes. forms, tango seems to unique in its experience. It is Whenever you invest in anything, you become often called addictive and alluring. more addicted to that. Today, people are very addicted to facebook because they have invested a What is it about tango that two individuals with differlot of their time, shared pictures, moments and ent mindsets, two strong personalities, come together their life on it. Freebies might sound very catchy and merge as one? They seem to have same mindsets, but at the end of the day, they cause more harm they communicate silently, they share the axis, their than benefit. To reap greater benefits from any- heartbeats become one, intention of one partner is clearly understood and responded by the other. thing, you need to invest in it. One travels for tango, to attend festivals or workshops with their favourite maestros or let me put it more clearly, in search of that one magical and blissful tanda, that one magical embrace that transports you to heaven. — 30 — To Subscribe, Click here