Modern Tango World N° 4 (Bucharest, Romania) | Page 29

Miguel Di Genova:We are currently working on a new album, which will be released almost certainly in May. In that same month we will be touring Europe. If the album will not be ready for that time, we will present some new songs from it. Then we will surely release the new album between June and July. From October to November we will be touring USA. MTW: As you said, tango is a constantly moving art form. What do you think will happen in the future? To which direction do you think it will continue its evolution? Miguel Di Genova: Looking at the past of tango, we can see a boom of tango nuevo at a certain time. That period surely produced much good music, but also poor quality music. I believe that the latter caused the recent downtrend of nuevo and the return of traditional tango. But the nature of tango is a moving one, and it always took many years to incorporate new musical forms into tradition. Regarding electrotango, I believe in the need of a change in terms, as to free it from the need to include electronica, and I predict that in five to ten years electrotango will take a different name. This could simply be tango, if electrotango will step into tradition, or neo-tango, or tango nuevo, or even twenty-first century tango, as I call it. The evolution of this twenty-first century tango will take time. It is an open musical style which requires great musical knowledge and some willingness to experiment. This evolution will be slow but steady. At some point, maybe in five years, maybe ten, maybe twenty, we will come to the point in which twentyfirst century tango will become the main music at milongas, while twentieth century tango, or traditional tango as we call it today, will turn into an important contour. Today, most milongas are traditional-styled, while just a few are nuevas. For the future I can predict an inversion of this trend. One of the main reasons for that will be a need for repopulation of tango. At the beginning of the new century, groups such as Gotan Project, Bajofondo, Narcotango had the power to attract a large number of people to tango, mainly young people. This is because such bands found proper ways to fuse tango with different musical expressions closer to todays’ general public than classical tango. We know that, generally, people like to dance to music that they like to listen to. When the nuevo impulse of these formations declined, the tango community turned back to traditional music, and a lot of neophytes lost their newfound interest. I believe that the trend will turn again to nuevo music and that the tango fever will come back, with the only difference that for that time what we now call electrotango and tango nuevo will be integrated into tango. As a result, we will not need so many terms any more. I am sure about that, but only future can tell! MTW: We can’t wait to listen to your new album, and see you back on stage and to discover what the future holds for us! Miguel, thanks for talking with us about Otros Aires’ experience and for sharing your musical and tango philosophy! — 29 — To Subscribe, Click here