Why
adver&se
with
us?
Modern
Model
Magazine
is
a
na&onal
monthly
digital
and
print
publica&on
that
highlights
models,
photographers,
and
other
modeling
career
industry
professionals.
Profits
from
Modern
Model
Magazine
direct
benefit
the
Michigan
Historical
Homes
Preserva&on
Society,
and
other
non-‐profit
organiza&ons;
and
provide
sponsorships
for
modeling
career
industry
professionals
to
receive
training,
aTend
cas&ng
calls;
and
assist
in
photography
training
classes
and
workshops.
For
more
informa&on,
or
to
view
the
magazine,
please
visit:
hTp://www.modernmodelmagazine.com
No
tricks
or
gimmicks,
just
amazingly
affordable
rates!
Most
businesses,
whether
they
have
been
around
for
ages,
or
are
just
star&ng
out,
have
a
limited
adver&sing
budget.
Also,
there
a