Modern Business Magazine November 2016 | Page 21

Edison that famously said , “ Genius is one percent inspiration and ninetynine percent perspiration ”. Quite simply do something . Any action towards your dream has to create a ripple of change , and the more you take action the bigger the ripples .
I Can - Stay in the Zone

3 We all know a plan is critical but to keep heading in the direction you want to take – well , that takes focus . The desire to chase the bright and shiny objects in business is there within all of us . – We take our finger off the pulse , make knee jerk reactions , and respond to what others are doing instead of keeping focussed on our own end goal . Staying in the zone takes determination , resilience , a hunger and a belief that what you are doing , whether in a corporate organisation or your own enterprise , means something . It ’ s about doing the work , taking the right action and making the right decision to move towards your goals . And the more you stay in the zone , focused on your vision of what you want to achieve – well , the bigger that pebble you are throwing becomes , the more impact you have , the wider reaching the ripples and eventually a whole wave of activity starts to happen .

I Can - Own It

4 No-one else can do this for you . Take ownership of your plan , your direction , your journey . You are in charge of your own business destiny . As Paulo Coelho says , “ Whenever you want to achieve something , keep your eyes open , concentrate and make sure you know exactly what it is you want . No one can hit their target with their eyes closed .” Of course there are challenges along the way , things will not always go as planned and failures will be experienced but what is key is how you face these challenges . Do you face them head-on , learn from them and move forward or do you get knocked down and stay there always thinking “ could ’ a , should ’ a , would ’ a ”? Whether things go to plan or not – hold yourself accountable and own the highs and the lows , the results and the failures . Own the opportunity to continuously learn and grow . Own your success

I Can - Embrace The

5 Collective Togetherness can , and does , create the momentum of change . Be willing to connect with others that are aligned and supportive of your dreams ; those that are willing to ideate collectively to make the magic happen . Look for your circle of influence and key influencers . Appreciate what others have to give and understand your role , and what you can contribute . Surround yourself with the right people , because nothing propagates development of great plans like a great team .

Don ’ t be afraid to be brilliant . It ’ s up to you to make the impossible possible . It ’ s up to you to visualise the future you want . It ’ s up to you to decide to take action .
Janine Garner is a businesswoman and entrepreneur , passionate about the return to open and transparent corporate relationships and the power of commercial collaboration in futureproofing careers and businesses . Janine is the author of From Me To We – Why commercial collaboration will future-proof business , leaders and personal success published by Wiley . She is the Founder and CEO of LBDGroup and works with senior leaders to build high performing teams . For more information visit http :// www . janinegarner . com . au
November 2016 ModernBusiness 21