Five Ways The
Power of “I CAN”
Can Change You
By Janine Garner
ften we think long and
hard about what we want
to achieve. Sometimes we
think so hard that we literally think
ourselves out of action. Those that
succeed as business leaders, as
the incredible entrepreneurs whose
stories we sit and devour, live by a
very simple set of ‘commandments’.
They recognise the inherent need
to stop living in the abstract and
instead bring oneself into the reality
of ‘yes I can’.
The power of those two words is
so strong, in life and in business.
20 ModernBusiness
November 2016
When we allow ourselves to trust
in our own ideas, to follow through
and action them, we can achieve
anything. Here are five ways you can
embrace the power of “I Can”.
I Can - Believe In ME
There is no doubt most of us have
a motivation to win; but to keep
pushing through; that comes down
to your own self-belief, your mindset
and your drive to achieve – your own
self- leadership. You have to believe
in yourself first and foremost. Your
dream and vision for yourself and
your business future is yours alone,
and until you get this sorted, there is
no moving forward. Are your skills,
values and vision aligned? Are you
engaged in your purpose, and truly
passionate about what you are
doing? Get congruent with this, get
clear on your “Why” – and then, with
hunger, commit to your purpose one
hundred percent.
I Can - Do Something
So many people have a dream,
yet get lost in endless iterations of
planning rather than doing. They
somehow forget they have to take
action and instead become frozen
in their never ending “oh but… ”list
“before I…” list. It was Thomas