Modern Business Magazine July 2016 | Page 39

MODERN CAREERS you toward the exciting career transformation you’re ready for. 1 Diagnose Your Current Job Reality Explore what it is about your current role that is leaving you less than inspired. Take some quiet time to work this out and make a “Keep/ Chuck List”. On one side write what you love about your existing job and the parts that you want to take with you to your next role. On the other side bullet point what’s NOT working well for you, all the bits you’re more than ready to leave behind. 2 Envision Your New Career Move This is the fun part. Become your own scriptwriter and movie director, and create the ideal job role for yourself in your imagination. See it in vibrant detail. Where are you? What does your working environment look like? Who is around you? What are you wearing? What are you doing? What is your job title? Are you alone or part of a team? Which personal and professional strengths do you have the opportunity to deploy? Now feel the emotional exhilaration of being exactly were you want to be at this stage in your career. 3 Identify Any Mindset Barriers As you imagine this new role for yourself, you may notice a doubting inner-voice that keeps popping up with self-defeating negativity such as: “It’ll be too hard to make this happen for real”, “This will never come to be”, “This would be too good to be true” or “It’s just easier to stay where I am”. Write these limiting thoughts down, then for each one work out the opposite more productive thought. For example, “I can do this. It’ll take some effort to create the change but it’ll be worth it”. Repeat the new thought patterns over and over again until they soak in as truth. 4 Create a Strategic Plan So far so good: at this stage you have clarity about what you want as a career move and the positive, productive mindset to make it happen. What’s required now is an action plan. List all the steps, large or small, that you can begin to take to bring your newly invented job role into reality. Brain storm everything possible, then number them in a logical order that will help you move smoothly from start to finish. 5 Enact & Become And now…get started! Pick up the phone to register a name for your new business, call the recruitment agency that will assist in helping re-position you, or start an on-line job search using the new criteria for your ideal role. Feel the excitement, exhilaration, self-satisfaction, sense of freedom and validation as you engage in your reinvention project. Walk through your day as if you’re already in the new role and feel your mood lift! Just knowing that life doesn’t have to happen TO us, is powerful. Understanding instead, that we’re free to make new choices at any time- that we’re living, breathing, re-inventions, constantly waiting to happen. FUN! Muffy Churches is the author of Coach Yourself, and is an internationally renowned integrative success coach. Born in the US and settled in Sydney, she works as a corporate trainer, executive coach, speaker, author, and counsellor. She has extensive experience in inspiring and initiating positive behavioural change in clients around the world. For more information visit or contact: [email protected] July 2016 ModernBusiness 39