Modern Business Magazine February 2016 | Page 13

MODERN BUSINESS cover your regular living expenses, you have nothing to invest in keeping the business afloat, either. So your business fails, your dream dies and you’re back working for someone else before you know it. Don’t be that guy. Start out slow, working only after-hours or on weekends to get your business up and running. This allows you to keep the income flowing while you explore giving your business a fulltime go. 3. Have backup capital. As I pointed out in the previous step, once you quit your day job, you’re working without a net – a safety net of income, that is – to fall back on during that transitional period when your business isn’t generating enough (or any) income to sustain you. I can’t tell you how important it is to have some backup capital to rely on during the slow times. Otherwise, you may be tempted to take out loans and get yourself further in debt – or just let your business fold all together and go back to the corporate world. Save every penny you can and be very sure you have the means to support yourself until your business is able to do it for