Essentials of Good Leadership
By Erik Vermeulen
When it comes to leadership in the workplace , I have found that culture , consistency and abundance are vital cogs in a smoothrunning corporate machine .
Create the Right Corporate Culture
As a behavioural strategist , I ’ ve seen all too often how a lack of connection to the organisational mission can leave employees feeling their work lacks purpose and meaning . A recent Gaalup poll done in the USA found that 32 % of the US workforce doesn ’ t feel committed to their work , and that ’ s a clear sign that there is a disconnect between a company ’ s vision and its people .
The solution lies in cultivating a strong , purpose-driven corporate culture that aligns everyone around a shared sense of meaning and contribution . Great leaders understand that their primary role is to inspire and galvanise their teams , not just to manage tasks and processes . This starts by deeply understanding the “ why ” that underpins the organisations purpose . What core human need or aspiration is the company striving to fulfil ? How does the work that each employee does contribute to that higher purpose ? Communicating this narrative compellingly , and ensuring it permeates every aspect of the workplace , is crucial .
Leaders must also empower employees to see themselves as vital stakeholders in the company ’ s success . Providing opportunities for autonomy , mastery and personal growth shows that you trust your people and value their unique contributions . When people feel they have a genuine voice and can directly impact outcomes , their sense of engagement and commitment skyrockets .
Ultimately , the most successful organisations are those that seamlessly integrate purpose , culture and leadership . By making meaning the beating heart of the workplace , you unlock the full potential of your people and set your company up for long-term , sustainable success .
Consistency is Key
When it comes to leadership , it ’ s not enough to just make big promises and declarations . True leadership comes from the steady , unwavering application of your principles and values , day in and day out . That ’ s what really counts , because when you lead with consistency , you show your team that they can count on you . They know you ’ re reliable and trustworthy , and that you ’ re fully committed to the shared vision . And that breeds a sense of security and confidence that allows them to really get on board and give it their all .
And here ’ s the thing - those small , consistent actions add up , big time . It ’ s the daily habits , the rituals , the unwavering adherence to your principles , that sets the great leaders apart . So don ’ t just talk the talk ... Walk the walk . Relentlessly . Because leading a team is a marathon , not a sprint . So , embrace that consistency , and watch as your team rallies around you , united in the pursuit of greatness . It ’ s all about that abundance mindset and the ‘ Consistency Effect ’ – where small things done consistently , over time , lead to big things .
Abundant Leaders Thrive
At the core of good leadership lies a fundamental shift in perspective – from scarcity to abundance . This mindset recognises that there is more than enough to go around , and that by cultivating this abundance , we can unlock incredible potential within our teams . So , let ’ s explore the four key dimensions of abundant leadership .
1 Financial Abundance : The numbers are indeed important , but they are not the be-all and end-all . Abundant leaders understand that financial resources are just one piece of the puzzle . They focus on cultivating diverse revenue streams , optimising efficiencies , and empowering their team to make smart financial decisions .
2 Relational Abundance : Emotional intelligence and strong relationships are the lifeblood of any successful team . Abundant leaders invest in their team ’ s wellbeing , fostering a culture of trust , empathy , and collaboration . They understand that by nurturing these connections , they unlock the true potential of their people .
3 Operational Abundance : Efficiency and execution are crucial , but abundant leaders recognise that there is always room for improvement . They constantly seek to streamline processes , eliminate waste , and empower their team to find innovative solutions . They look at this with a growth mindset , as opposed to a fixed perspective .
4 Physical Abundance : The health and wellness of your team is paramount . Abundant leaders prioritise self-care , work-life balance , and creating an environment that supports the physical and mental wellbeing of their people . This , in turn , leads to increased engagement , productivity , and job satisfaction .
By embracing these four dimensions of abundant leadership , you can unleash the full potential of your team and create a thriving , sustainable organisation . Remember , All it takes is the courage to shift your mindset and lead with abundance .
Erik Vermeulen is a behavioural strategist focusing on employee engagement strategies , combining employee and customer engagement with his endurance endeavours in running , cycling , adventure sports , expedition races and mountaineering . This unique blend of knowledge and experience makes him a sought after coach and motivational speaker . More at https :// ridgelineza . com .
66 ISSUE 171 | www . modernathlete . co . za