Modern Athlete Magazine Issue 171 August 2024 | Page 28

Guillaume and Cindy Smit after one of their early races together in 2018

Couples who run together , stay together ! This is how Cape Town-based race commentator Dean Hewitt usually greets my wife and I when we finish a race . It sometimes sounds more like , “ couples who run together , sweat together .” Perhaps he is even saying , “ couples who run together , vry together ,” but I can ’ t be sure . At the end of a race , I ’ m usually too tired to clearly focus .

Running With the Wife

Whether we run , walk or run-walk , I love doing races with my wife , Cindy , but getting her to take up the sport , and convincing her that hills were not so bad , was quite the challenge . However , it was either that , or continue trying to survive running with our crazy dogs ! – BY GUILLAUME SMIT
The happy couple after the 2023 Sportsmans Warehouse Winelands 10km
Taking a Wee Tumble
Cindy and I didn ’ t always run together . When I started running some years back , she supported me , but refused to join me . “ I don ’ t do running ,” was her conviction . So , I let it slide . I was adamant not to end my life early , due to some silly heart thingy , like my dad , and I dutifully put on my Brooksies to hit the road all by myself . And I made a point of complaining about how lonely I am on the road . After much complaining , Cindy suggested I take the dogs along . “ You wouldn ’ t be so lonely when you run ,” she said .
Very well , then , I said , I ’ ll go run with the dogs . We have a lovable rescue called Ruby , and an excitable border collie called Ignatius , and it sounded like a good idea , but our first run was a disaster . One must picture the scene to truly appreciate it : I had a dog on a leash in each hand , and they were pulling me along so fast that I looked like a bobble-head flying with arms outstretched . And all along the running route , at every single house , a choir of canines were doing their version of welcoming words , insults , ominous threats , or whatever angry barking dogs say to other dogs when they pass their houses .
Ruby has the innate ability to suddenly stop dead in her tracks , then change course and immediately reach full speed ahead again . Since she is from indeterminable heritage , we just know that her claim to fame is barking at , chasing and irritating other animals . Now , we were only a few houses away from home when she eyed some wildly barking dogs , and in that moment , she decided to go and irritate them …. but she also decided to go around me , behind my legs . I did not have the time or opportunity to release her leash , but she didn ’ t care .
Images : Thomas Sports Photography & courtesy Guillaume Smit
The effect was stupendous ! One moment I was trying to keep up with the dogs ; the next I was lying flat on my stomach , a leash coiled around my feet , face planted on the tar , with Ruby trying to reach the hysterical mongrels while tugging on my arm . That was also the end of the run . We hobbled home … me with a dislodged arm and half a front tooth missing , with two disappointed fur-
28 ISSUE 171 | www . modernathlete . co . za