Modern Athlete Magazine Issue 169 June 2024 | Page 66

Personal Safety

Be More Aware ! By Mark Grobbelaar

The focus in personal protection should not be on fighting , it should always be on not getting hurt , and a vital cog in this is your awareness of what is going on around you at all times .

We live in one of the most violent societies on earth , with crime spiralling out of control , and you just have to switch on the TV or read a newspaper to see that the people who are supposed to keep us safe cannot always do so , and thus we have to take some personal responsibility for it ourselves . However , once knowledge of the nature of a crime is learnt , one no longer needs to live in fear . All that is needed are reasonable precautions .

It is unlikely that in our lifetime , any social process will alter our society so radically that it dissuades thousands of criminals from being criminals and committing crimes . However , you can put some layers in place to reduce the chance that their choice of victim will be you . What I mean is that you should learn to view your safety in multiple layers , like an onion . The greater the number of layers a would-be criminal has to make their way through , the more difficult it will be to target you . This , in turn , leads to an increasing chance that they will abort and choose someone else who is an easier target .
First up , we need to understand that physical techniques are an absolute last resort , even for a highly trained fighter . Instead , the first of these layers is knowledge and awareness . For example , during my INpowered presentations , I ask those attending some simple questions : “ How many of you think that you are aware ? So , who drove in behind you at work this morning ? While you were out running , did you see that guy who you ran past ? What was he wearing ?” Most respond that they are sort of aware , and some not at all .
The reality is either you are aware , or you are not . Now , if you are one of the latter , you are one of those who walk around with your head in the clouds – or buried in your cellphone – completely oblivious to what is going on around you . You are an easy target for criminals . I ’ ve often heard victims say , “ Next minute he was just there …” No ! He didn ’ t just appear there suddenly , he was there all along . You just didn ’ t see him because you were not looking . You were not aware .
Then there are those of us who are super aware , who are looking underneath and behind everything all day . To these people , everyone is a potential mugger , and they are constantly on the lookout . But awareness without knowledge is paranoia . Let that sink in for a minute ! You cannot go through life feeling paranoid all the time ; you ’ ll end up in a mental institution . We also cannot walk around as though we live in a utopia , and imagine we will be always be safe .
By knowing what constitutes risk , you will be forewarned and forearmed , and could act in a manner that reduces unnecessary risk . This knowledge of what is really involved in a crime , what certain things mean and the forewarning that good habits will give you , can instil within you a calm confidence . Former Miss South Africa Demi-Leigh Nel-Peters , who went on to become Miss Universe 2017 , is a perfect example of this . She went through the INpowered programme and attributes getting out of an attempted hijacking to her improved knowledge and awareness .
Knowing what you can and can ’ t do is power , and it could be the difference in a life-or-death situation . But being more aware of your surroundings and the people near you may help you completely avoid those life-or-death situations .
Mark Grobbelaar is the founder of INpowered , incorporating WIP ( Woman INpowered ) and GRIP ( Guy Responsibly INpowered ), an organisation dedicated to giving people the essential tools to protect themselves . Mark holds a sixth dan in karate , and is also an avid runner and cyclist . He hosts INpowered programmes for corporates , schools and small groups . More info at www . inpowered . co . za .
Images : Pexels
66 ISSUE 169 | www . modernathlete . co . za