C o l u m n
Very worrying trend being seen in track and field athletics currently is the deterioration of the quality of results . Athletes are expected to compete in a minimum number of leagues to be considered for nationals , and also to run qualifying times for national and international champs . Results are incorrect , and arrogance and obstacles prevail when trying to rectify them . Athletes have run leagues , but their names are not even in the results . Some have run qualifying times , which are incorrect , or not recorded at all . Athletics South Africa , Athletics Gauteng North and Central Gauteng Athletics are all affected , but mostly those who pay entry fees , and should at least be rewarded with accurate results . This also has legal implications . – George Bradley
It saddens me to hear that athletes are not being given the support they need in order to perform at their best and reach the heights they deserve . Hopefully officialdom in the sport is listening . – Ed .
Roadrunner : How do you keep your shoes dry at river crossings ? Trailrunner : ………… – Runtheberg Trail Run
I started on the road , then began trail running some years later . I remember the first time I kept my shoes on for a river crossing and just got on with it . The urge to take them off was strong , but keeping them on was a life-changing move ! – Ed .
Ten years ago , I met my wife Liezel . It was a blind date , at the unlikeliest of places : The Comrades Roadshow in Green Point . I was particularly nervous , as I didn ' t know what Liezel looked like . I only knew her first name , and that she was a runner . I entered the room and surveyed the crowd , discounting the beauty standing by a pillar … she was obviously part of the Comrades marketing team .
The beautiful woman walked towards me and said , “ Hello , I am Liezel .” Apparently , I managed to also say my name . The evening ended with me asking if we could go for coffee , and she said , “ yes , maybe .” A promising evening turned into a promise two years and two months later . I am so incredibly thankful to have found Liezel . Thank you , Lord . – Erich Maritz
They say first impressions are important , so apparently being able to say your name did the trick ! Lovely story , thanks for sharing with us . – Ed . so welcome . It was so nice running with you , because you were so friendly and embraced me so easily , and we both made that last few kilometres a bit better for each other . Well done on your achievement , hope we get to see each other again on the road . – Fazlin Basson
Fazlin , you are a true leader . You don ' t even want the shine all for yourself . You rather share it by saying you guys helped each other . The world is a better place because of people like you , well done . – George October
I had my first Comrades Marathon dream of the year last night ! I missed the race start , which is a recurring theme . I love the uphill course , and I can ’ t wait for the build-up in a few months . – Camille Herron
And we can ’ t wait to see you back in SA , Camille . ( Sidenote : I got to interview Camille on a flight between Durban and Cape Town some years back . Found out she really likes beer ! Remains a highlight of my journalistic career .) – Ed .
If this lady from Nantes is in this group , I would like to thank her for her encouragement and motivation in the Peninsula race . We had probably about 3km to the end and she just took charge . She set the pace and kept me going , and she never gave up on me . I never got to thank her afterwards , but there really are some wonderful people out there , and she is most definitely one of them . – Maryam Schroeder Gamza
Awsome- hope she gets the message . Well done for taking the time to acknowledge her . – Rohann de Bruin
That ’ s Fazlin Basson . – Ganeefah Abrahams
Well done , Maryam , and it ' s admirable of you to give recognition . – Kami Thebus
Thank you for taking the time and acknowledging ! – Nantes Athletic Club
Maryam , shukran for the recognition , you are
Fazlin , you are a Rolls Royce of note . I salute you . – Moose Burger
I love this ... that ' s exactly the type of spirit and sportsmanship we need to have out there . – Jeffrey Adams
This post made my day just a little bit brighter . Well done , ladies . Thank you for bringing your positive experience to all of us . We appreciate it . – Wedaad Salie
Now that reminds me of the good old days of running . I suma feel like putting on my running shoes now . – Ismail Kleinsmidt
Fazlin , I certainly hope I get to run with you again . I have a feeling you can teach me a lot about perseverance and not giving up ! – Maryam Schroeder Gamza
I ’ ve said it so many times in my career , that runners are generally just ‘ good people .’ Not just the ones who lead , help and support , but those who take the time to say thank you . – Ed .
8 ISSUE 166 | www . modernathlete . co . za