Modern Athlete Magazine Issue 166 March 2024 | Page 7


What ’ s That You Say ?



The running community has interesting , informative , thought-provoking , humorous and entertaining opinions and conversations about many things , so each month we pick a few that caught our eye .
Quick story . Arrived in Umhlanga and went for a quick run . About 2.5km down to the promenade and then proceeded to run 5km along the ( fortunately well lit ) promenade . At about 7km , I was sweating like a pig because of the heat and humidity . Pulling amps , as they say . Anyway , it was at this stage that I passed a gentleman that I could only describe as a Madala , and as I passed him , I said , “ Tough , hey ?” And he simply responded by saying , “ Yes , but it ' s good !” And if you know me , you know that I believe that was a word from above – a clear reminder to me that it is tough , but it ' s good .
As I ground back up the long , slow hill ( which felt more like a mountain ... see the profile of my run and you ’ ll understand ) to the top , I kept saying to myself , “ It ' s tough , but it ' s good !” And then , when I finally reached my destination , it came flooding towards me : “ Certain relationships are tough , but they are good . At times , work is tough , but it ' s good , and life in general is often tough , but it ' s good ! So , to everyone out there with whom I have been blessed to engage within my life , I thank you from the bottom of my heart for making me who I am today . At times it was tough , but it is good ! – Francois Naude
I have run that same promenade , and I also had to ‘ negotiate ’ a mountain to get back to the hotel … but it was good ! – Ed .
Please find a simple innovation that will ease stress at the pre-race registration tables . Instead of handing over your cell phone to a helper , or expecting them to remember a three , four , five-numeral race number , simply hand over this piece of paper . No electronics involved , works like a charm , helpers are less stressed , and you spend less time in registration . I have been doing this for over five years and everyone has been very impressed with the help it offers . – Russ Dodding
What an amazingly simple but effective idea . You could also add the T-shirt size you ordered , if applicable . – Ed .
Life goals : Buy a retirement home on a marathon route so that you can watch the runners go by whilst sipping coffee . These two looked happy and comfortable during the recent Kloppers Marathon in Bloemfontein – just glad there wasn ' t a third chair , or I would still be there !
I think there is a stretch of road in Fish Hoek that would catch Two Oceans , Red Hill and Peninsula … and if you bought near King ’ s Park , you could catch almost every race in Durban . – The Running Mann
I can think of a few places I ’ d like to retire to and pull up a chair to watch the runners pass … but not quite yet . For now , I still want to run ! – Ed .
Two photos taken exactly 22 years apart . It ' s been an incredible journey with not only my coach , but a true friend and mentor . Victor Vaz took me to multiple KZN titles , mulitple South African titles , African titles , South African Records , African Records , African titles , ranked in the World Rankings and two World Championship gold medals . We have been walking a journey together for 24 years , and it ' s been truly amazing . I have learnt so much , and am still learning so much from Vic .
Vic , words cannot express my gratitude to you and everything that you have done for me over 24 years of my life . It is a relationship that has become part of my every day , and I will forever hold it in my heart . – Pieter Koekemoer
So few people are privileged to enjoy such a long working relationship , let alone one so successful . Hats of to both Pieter and Vic for that . – Ed .
Visiting from Michigan , U . S . A . Had a great first ever run in South Africa with the Carbineers running club this morning in Cape Town . Thank you for inviting me , ladies , and good luck on your marathon next week ! – Brian Jackson
Love that our SA running community is so friendly and welcoming , and ready to show visitors our running hoods . – Ed .