Weight-loss Essentials
By Esmé Maré
Now that spring is here , it ’ s not just our clothing layers we need to shed as the days get warmer , we also need to shed our excess winter weight .
We gain or lose weight when energy intake and expenditure are out of balance . For example , when we consume a small amount of food and expend a high amount of energy , such as with running , we will promote weight-loss . When we consume a large amount of food and expend a small amount of energy , such as when we stay warm indoors , not wanting to exercise , then we will promote weight-gain . If we consume a moderate amount of food and expend a moderate amount of energy , then we will maintain our current weight .
Achieving a healthy body weight should be the aim of any weight-loss goal . A healthy body weight is a weight that promotes good eating habits , allows you to participate in regular physical activity such as running , and a weight that is acceptable to you and for your age . Here then are some tips on how to lose the weight you gained during winter , including how to do it healthily and how to keep it off whilst benefiting your running .
1 Set realistic Goals : An important part of any weight-loss plan is to set realistic goals . It can be frustrating making gradual changes to the body , but slower changes are much more effective in maintaining weight-loss over a longer period of time . This will also preserve your lean muscle mass needed for running . Remember , it takes time to adopt new eating habits . Aim for a weight loss of 0.5 to 1kg per week .
2 Never go shopping hungry : Plan your meals a week in advance . It ’ s easier to stick to a plan when you only have healthy food and drinks in your house .
3 Don ’ t starve yourself : Eat small , frequent meals every 2-3 hours to avoid feelings of food deprivation and to keep your metabolism going , and this will also ensure sustained energy levels . Starving yourself will slow down your metabolism and you will find it difficult to run on low energy levels .
7 Chew slowly : Aim to take at least 20 minutes to complete a full meal and stop immediately when you start feeling full . Store leftovers for your next meal .
8 Go for colour : To ensure that a variety of nutrients needed for a healthy body are consumed , half of your plate should be colourful vegetables or salad .
9 Choose quality carbohydrates : Brown basmati rice , sweet potato , baby potatoes , quinoa , whole-wheat pasta , etc , should fill a quarter of your plate .
10 Choose quality lean protein : Lean pork , beef , ostrich , chicken , legumes or fish should fill another quarter of your plate .
11 Cook with as little fat as possible : Remove excess skin and fat off meat and chicken before cooking .
12 Drink six to eight glasses of water daily : If you struggle to make this a habit , try drinking a glass of water before each meal and snack .
13 Get enough sleep : Remember to sleep at least seven to eight hours per night .
14 Reward yourself : When you do well with your nutritional programme , get a massage or buy yourself new clothes .
15 Prepare meals : Avoid purchasing high-fat , high-sugar foods by preparing healthy meals and snacks in advance .
16 Participate in regular physical activity : This will decrease body fat and help maintain or increase lean body mass .
Images : Pexels
4 Have Breakfast : Eat a healthy breakfast within an hour of waking up to jumpstart your metabolism and to promote weight-loss .
5 Plan your meals : Eat your meals and snacks only at set times in one location . Do not eat while studying , working , driving or when watching television . Don ’ t eat out of packets or take food straight from the fridge , rather dish up food onto a plate and eat with utensils . This will help you to keep track of how much you are eating and when you are feeling full .
6 Use smaller dishes : Eat your meals out of smaller dishes so they appear larger and you will eat less . The same can be done for drinks . Use a slender glass for all drinks except water .
This article was taken from the Modern Athlete archives , and we ’ re republishing it because it remains relevant . It was written by Esmé Maré , a private-practicing registered dietitian at Wild About Health in Sunninghill , Johannesburg . More info at www . wildabouthealth . co . za .