Modern Athlete Magazine Issue 161 September 2023 | Page 68


Top 10 Training Tips By Ray Orchison

It ’ s beginning to get lighter earlier in the mornings and darker later in the evenings , because spring has arrived , and it ’ s time to get back to full training if you have been in winter hibernation mode , but first read these 10 essential training tips to help you attain your goals .
1 PLAN AHEAD : Getting out of bed each morning and thinking to yourself , “ What should I do today , 800m repeats or 60 minutes easy ?” is a recipe for disaster . Instead , approach the season with a plan . Start by planning the structure of your training , and think about the races you want to do and what goals you want for each . Also , identify which races you are going to use as training runs and which races you are going to race hard .
2 INTRODUCE CHANGES GRADUALLY : Any change in your training means that your joints and muscles have to adapt to the new session , shoe , running form or strength session . If you introduce the changes too quickly , or change too much , you will invariably pay the price with injury , so build up to it gradually .
3 CORRECT MUSCLE IMBALANCES : Most of us sit behind computers or drive in cars all day . Our modern lifestyles leave us weak in the areas we need the most when it comes to running : Glutes , calves and core . So , in order to avoid injury , focus on and strengthen these areas before introducing quality and distance to your training .
4 ADD QUALITY : You only get faster by running faster . By gradually introducing quality sessions into your training programme , you will begin to train the body to run faster at different distances .
5 THE KNOCK-ON EFFECT : If you can teach yourself to run faster over shorter distances before building up to longer distances , then once you start introducing longer runs you ’ ve enhanced not only your running form but your running efficiency . A faster 10km time leads to a faster 21km time , which in turn leads to a faster 42km time , which ultimately leads to a faster ultra .
6 TRACK DOES NOT MEAN FLAT-OUT : At school , a track session usually involved some teacher with a whistle and a stopwatch shouting at you to run faster . That is not a track session . Track sessions are designed to introduce your muscles and energy systems to new varying paces , and this never equates to a flat-out session .
7 ALTERNATE HARD AND EASY DAYS : Continuous hard training will wear you down . Alternate hard days with easy days in order to benefit fully from the hard training .
8 YOU DON ’ T GET FASTER BY RUNNING FURTHER : Countless runners finish Comrades each year with new motivation to go back the following year with the goal of showing Comrades who is boss , and invariably the plan to achieve this involves more mileage . Distance running makes you slower , and as a result you don ’ t get faster by simply doing more mileage . You get faster when you adhere to the previous four tips !
9 RECOVERY IS KEY : Rest days should be the first aspect you build into your season plan . The purpose behind training is to take your body to new levels through a constant cycle of stress and adaptation . If you ’ re only ever stressing your body and not allowing time for adequate recovery , then your body never adapts and you end up injured , or never reaching your full potential .
10 LISTEN TO YOUR BODY : Your body sends you signals all day long , and the more experienced you are , the more you become aware of those signals . If you ’ re pushing yourself too hard for too long , your body begins to give warning signals , like niggles or signs of a cold , indicating that you need more recovery . If you ignore these warnings , you will end up injured or sick . Having said that , you will learn to distinguish between the body crying out for recovery and your mind trying to take the easy route . In the case of the mind , fight it !
If you follow all these tips , your chances of running smoothly and smashing your goal times or PBs will improve greatly !
Ray Orchison is a South African-born running coach and therapist . He has completed the Comrades Marathon multiple times and also boasts personal bests of 33:55 for 10km and 2:48:00 for the marathon . He has completed USATF and NAASFP coaching courses , and provides personalised training programmes to his clients . Now based in Perth , Australia , you can find him at https :// runetics . com . au .
68 ISSUE 161 | www . modernathlete . co . za