Modern Athlete Magazine Issue 157 Issue 157 - March 2023 | Page 23

ROAD RUNNING produced an astounding amount of results , created a brand for Murray & Roberts away from its traditional spectre , and were able to develop a very rich vein of talent from our athletes , for them , with them and for the betterment of athletics as a whole in South Africa ,” she says .
“ We believe that the next company to pick up this baton and run with it , will be in a prime position to build on the marketing opportunities , exploit growth , grow networks and awareness , and continue to grow a club that will be another next level , ultimately rising to the top of the athletics domain in South Africa . We ’ re confident that our expertise , know-how and athletic prowess in administration , as well as practical application , is of immense value and should be nurtured to develop further ,” Kalmer adds .
Lutendo Mapoto finishes 10th in the 2022 Comrades Marathon .
The club ’ s success to date includes the notable and eye-catching Comrades Marathon results in 2022 : Five gold medals for the women ’ s team , including the prize for first South African female finisher , and a breakthrough gold in the highly competitive top 10 of the men ’ s race . There were also team prizes galore , and this Comrades performance alone generated a significant return on investment for Murray & Roberts on both national and international television channels , in the printed and electronic media , as well as the ever-growing social platforms .
On the other end of this scale , the continued support for the Vorentoe Running Academy by the organisation has resulted in multiple national champions over various distances and surfaces . This also opened international doors for three of former ‘ Vories ' athletes , who clinched athletic scholarships in the United States directly as a result of the support from the company and club , and are now performing well there as a result .
Support for the Vorentoe Running Academy resulted in multiple national champions over various distances and surfaces !
Chairman Ed Jardim again : “ When we got our teeth stuck into the project , we immediately started seeing what a successful , well-run and highly motivated team such as this could do for our brand . To have achieved what we did in such a short time , means that we had the right combinations working in the correct and effective fashion , and it shows in our exposure , and the awareness that was created , but more importantly , we built a club that gave athletes a monthly income , not just dependant on their racing . Also , the corporate social investment in the Vorentoe High School became so much more than that , as we became personally invested in the children and their wellbeing . For us , it was a most fulfilling , life-changing experience that we know changed the lives of many people along the way .”
After many years in running , Arnie Geerdts also has nothing but praise for club . “ I have been involved in sports media , race announcing , running and organising for more than 48 years , all told , but this club exceeded even my wildest expectations . There is a huge base to build on from here , and the black and yellow provides a new organisation with a tailormade outfit that will create a significant following . Sponsorship of this club will provide an enormous increase in brand awareness , as well as better brand positioning , because the passion that will be ignited by these world class athletes in their various disciplines , just cannot be rivalled . Take it from me .”
From Comrades winners , young aspiring Olympians and perennial weekend race winners , to top veterans and masters competitors , this club has certainly seen and done it all . Now it deserves and needs an opportunity to allow the club to prosper and grow even more . So , anyone out there ?
Tayla Kavanagh claimed the SA 10km Champs title and several high profile wins .
By Sean Falconer
I have been involved in running for close to 30 years now , initially just as a young road runner and keen club member , but later serving on my club ’ s committee and helping to organise events , then becoming a journalist and commentator working in the sport . As a result , I believe I have experienced all aspects of the sport , and thus have a good understanding of the costs involved , including the organisation of events and club activities , and of sponsoring top-level athletes .
This has made me appreciate those companies still more when they have invested their marketing budgets in the sport , be it through event or club sponsorships , or athlete sponsorships , or all of the above . Without these sponsors , the sport would come to a grinding halt , especially at the elite level , and we would all be the poorer for that . I would like to take this opportunity to say a heartfelt thank you here to all sponsors , big and small .
Unsurprisingly , I have seen many sponsors come and go in the last three decades , but in most cases of a sponsor withdrawing , it was due that that specific sponsor wanting to refresh its sponsorship portfolio and try reach a different audience by trying something new . That is why most sponsorship deals are signed for a couple of years at most , subject to renewal , and long-term sponsorships of a decade , or even 20 years , are rare .
Sadly , I have also seen a few sponsorships end due to external circumstances , where the sponsoring company does not actually want to end its role in the sport , or with a specific event or club , but feels compelled to do so by unforeseen developments . This is the case with the Murray & Roberts Running Club , and I was deeply saddened to see Murray & Roberts announce its impending withdrawal from the sport in June this year .
I have been so impressed by the level of investment , involvement and passion that club chairman Ed Jardim and the Murray & Roberts company brought to this club , and it showed in the brilliant results on the road , track and trails . I have also been immensely impressed by the passion Murray & Roberts is now putting into trying to find a new sponsor to take over the club . Unfortunately , I have seen other sponsors announce their withdrawal and simply ride off into the sunset , all too often leaving their contracted athletes with no income or support . Therefore , once again , I feel the need to say thank you .
Having announced its decision to withdraw finally from running after the Comrades Marathon in June , the Murray & Roberts management team ( both company and club ) is working hard to try find a new sponsor that can take the club over , instead of disbanding and closing the club . I really hope that a new sponsor puts up its hand soon , and that there can be a smooth transition , with the athletes thus able to focus on performance instead of securing new financial backing . That will be good for not just the athletes , but the sport of running in SA . So , as the club says , anyone out there ?