Modern Athlete Magazine Issue 157 Issue 157 - March 2023 | Page 2


In the Mag this Month

Welcome to our 157 th edition . You can click on the page numbers below to go straight to the article of your choice .




The Ed ’ s Desk : My Running Partner
As you may know , I proposed to my ‘ better half ,’ Nicole , at the end of January , and she said yes . We haven ’ t set a date yet , but we have joked that we want to be wearing running shoes when we get married . – BY SEAN FALCONER
Runner ’ s High
Sometimes race pics just seem to fly off the page , and this lowflying collection of images from the recent Versus Run Party trail run in Franschhoek is no exception .
Stats & Facts : Memories of March
Fastest father and son pairs in the mile , the latest list leaders in SA road running , and historical highlights for the month of March from the annals of SA athletics . – BY RIËL HAUMAN
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Well Done , Dok !
During the recent Johnson Crane Half Marathon in Joburg , 80-year-old Dr Reinie ‘ Dok ’ Mornet achieved the remarkable feat of completing his 600th half marathon ! – BY SEAN FALCONER
The Running Mann : Size Does Matter
I ’ ve had plenty of time to run statistics from the wonderful world of long distance running , and this month , the best ultra-marathon runner in the world helps explain why size matters . – BY STUART MANN
Proudly South African Athletes Looking for a New Sponsor !
The Murray & Roberts Running Club made the biggest impact in the shortest space of time in local athletics yet , but now its athletes are in need of a new home !
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On the cover

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Out the Box : March to Comrades
Contrary to popular belief , the beginning of January should not be the first day of Comrades training … and this all impacts on when you should run your qualifier ! – BY NORRIE WILLIAMSON
The Tankwa Crossing runs down the longest uninterrupted gravel road in South Africa . Photograph by Gareth Roberts
SA ’ s Biggest Running Publication

Cian Oldknow

From Surgery to World XC Champs

Dok Mornet

600th 21K for Hotel Guru , 80

Going Long

Jumping Goals for Jovan van Vuuren
Comrades Qualification
Time for a Rethink
www . modernathlete . co . za


Pg 30 Pg 36
Pg 14
Pg 46
Pg 26
Pg 68


Racing Down SA ’ s Longest
Uninterrupted Gravel Road

Expert Advice

• Stop Runner ’ s Nausea
• Make the Most of Hills
Cover Image : Gareth Roberts
March & April Race Calendar – Enter HERE
Pg 64
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Unexpected Comeback
When Cian Oldknow ’ s running had to be ‘ put on ice ’ midway through 2022 , she didn ’ t think she would find herself competing at the World Cross Country Champs in February . – BY MANFRED SEIDLER
Sport Man Says : Time to Rethink Cross Country
South Africa enjoyed a relatively successful World Cross Country Championships in Australia this past month , but it could have been even better with a different mindset and approach . – BY MANFRED SEIDLER
A Dark Moon Crossing
There are times when Mother Nature have the last say , as Steve Gossman learnt the hard way when he embarked on his second running of the Tankwa Crossing . – BY CATHERINE DIXON & JANINE NORTJE
2 ISSUE 157 | www . modernathlete . co . za