How Fast Can a Rhino
Run ?
By Lezl Swart with Murray Swart
Lezl Swart ( left ) and Nicky Horenz will be taking on the Timbavati Traverse , and are raising funds for the conservation of rhinos as part of their run
You never want to have to outrun a rhino ... They may come across as lethargic , and they may weigh over a ton , but with a top speed of around 55km / h , rhinos are the fastest mammal on the planet . If a rhino wants to catch you , it probably will ! So , if you should ever find yourself frightened , frantic and fortunate enough to be too close to a charging rhino , your best option is to stand your ground .
However , if you do decide to run for your life , make sure to run as fast and as far as you can . Distance and duration will count in your favour . That ’ s because rhinos might be bigger , stronger and generally quicker than us , but they lack the stamina and endurance to keep up with us over longer distances . You see , rhinos aren ’ t built for marathons … but we humans are !
Running for the Rhinos
In fact , over long distances , we are among the best in the animal kingdom . That ’ s probably why Nicky Horenz and I love running so much . With 11 Comrades and 17 Two Ocean Marathons between us , Nicky and I have travelled many a road together , literally and figuratively . Over the years , we have enjoyed countless early morning runs , many a good laugh , and the odd tear , as our shared passion for running has blossomed into a wonderful friendship .
When not clocking miles on foot , I ’ m honoured to spend my work days at Singita , a leading ecotourism and conservation brand in Africa that is committed to working with conservation partners across the continent , to protect and preserve wilderness areas for the benefit of future generations . Along with her father , Nicky is the co-owner of The Paper Chain , producers of Triple Green paper products . The focus of this family-owned business is on significantly reducing the impact of papermaking on the environment , and ensuring that sustainable forestry and procurement practices are always maintained .
Apart from the odd stampeding squirrel or perturbed pigeon , we have never found ourselves in imminent danger . We have never been in the ‘ crosshairs ’ of a rampaging rhino , and hopefully we never will , but we are privileged to be able to run for these beautiful animals , rather than away from them , which is why we are thrilled to be part of the Timbavati Traverse Ultra Marathon , taking place on Saturday , 17 July .
Back to Rhino Running Speed
Theoretically , rhinos might be able to run a marathon in less than an hour , but the reality is that these majestic creatures cannot maintain the necessary pace over such a distance . They simply don ’ t have the stamina and endurance of humans . Sadly , as a species , rhinos also lack our ability to endure , persevere and overcome , and thus they are facing eventual extinction . In their ‘ race ’ to survive they aren ’ t running to finish ahead of us , nor are they stampeding to threaten us . They are running away from us .
Thanks to selfish , inhumane , money-driven poachers with no regard for these endangered creatures , their existence is in jeopardy . We humans are the cause , and it ’ s time we be the cure . This is why we have decided that our sole focus for our 45km run will be to raise funds and awareness for the Timbavati Rhino Anti-Poaching Unit , which does an incredible job of keeping the reserve and its animals secure .
As we continue to face the challenges of the global COVID-19 pandemic , to be a part of a very limited field of just 20 runners who will get to run among the ‘ Big 5 ’ in such an exclusive event , is a once in a lifetime opportunity . We are thrilled to be part of it , for so many reasons , including it being a celebration of friendship and a challenge of wills . It ’ s also a chance to get in touch with nature , nourish the soul , and be awestruck by the beauty of our country . But most importantly , it is an opportunity to give something to future generations by doing what we love .
Apparently we could beat a rhino in a marathon , and even though we don ’ t ever want to put this theory to the test , we still believe that without rhinos , we have no way of finding out …
Lezl and Nicky having some fun during the recent Thirsti AFRICANX Trailrun
If you would like to support Nicky and Lezl ’ s efforts to raise funds by running the 45km Timbavati Traverse Ultra Marathon , please go to https :// www . backabuddy . co . za / lezl-swart and pledge your support . At the time of writing , they have raised nearly R17,000 towards their target of R30,000 .