Modern Athlete Magazine Issue 142, June 2021 Issue 142, June 2021 | Page 46


“ The illegal trade in rhino horn and ivory has reached record statistics internationally , and rhino horn currently reaches a higher price than gold . But with the collective efforts and dedication of many , from K9 units , rangers on foot , anti-poaching and aerial teams , as well as concerned citizens , we can make a difference in protecting our rhinos .”

graceful stride , and then decided to rather start his speed training in the opposite direction . He admits he was extra fast that day !
Making it Bigger
After the success of Grant ’ s run in 2020 , the team at Timabavati decided this year to host the reserve ’ s first-ever 45km ultra-marathon event , all within the reserve , and with all proceeds going to the protection and security of wildlife , with a specific focus on rhinos . As part of this , all the participating athletes have been encouraged to raise funds for this cause , by asking friends , families and colleagues to sponsor their run .
“ The runners and supporters can help us to conserve these incredible animals by donating whatever they can – every single donation , no matter the size , counts ! And 100 % of the donations will go towards supporting rhino conservation ,” says Hayley Cooper , Assistant Manager at Kings Camp .
She adds that with the ongoing and everincreasing threat to wildlife , they are constantly
Grant greets supporters at the 44km mark
having to up their game to counter the relentless pressure of poaching . “ The illegal trade in rhino horn and ivory has reached record statistics internationally , and rhino horn currently fetches a higher price than gold . But with the collective efforts and dedication of many , from K9 units , rangers on foot , anti-poaching and aerial teams , as well as concerned citizens , we can make a difference in protecting our rhinos .”
The plan is to make the Timbavati Traverse an annual event , but this year , due to COVID restrictions , the field will be limited to just 20 runners , and Hayley emphasises that the event is not a race , but rather an opportunity for the runners to experience an intimate connection with nature and run for a cause . “ Safety is our priority , so the group will run together to ensure the safety of each runner , with Grant accompanying them as the 21st runner ,” says Hayley . “ Furthermore , armed guides in support vehicles and on bicycles will accompany the runners for safety as well as to share knowledge of the beautiful environment in which they will be running in .”
Just one small runner in a massive bush wonderland
Support Grant ’ s 2021 Run
By Grant & Remember
Hi everyone , Its Remember and Grant here , Kings Camp field guides . We are embarking on a 45km run in the Timbavati , a place we call home , on the 17th July , running ‘ with the wildlife for the wildlife ,’ with all donations going towards Rhino conservation . These are animals we know and love , and we are very grateful to be able to show our guests these majestic creatures .
Unfortunately , the threat of Rhino poaching is very real , and with the past year not bringing many guests , the entire reserve has suffered , as all guests typically pay a conservation levy , with some of these funds being allocated towards antipoaching . As a result of these funds not coming in over the last year , we decided to help put together the Timbavati Traverse .
This year we have kept it exclusive and will have just 20 runners joining us , all of whom are also raising funds for the reserve , and we will run as one ‘ herd ’ on the day . This is just the start , though , and we hope the run will become an annual event , bringing more runners next year .
It would be wonderful if you could please donate whatever you can , and share the link to our fundraising page , to help us generate attention and help save our Rhinos : https :// www . givengain . com / ap / grantandremember
Images Chad Cocking , Action Photo SA & Tobias Ginsberg
46 ISSUE 142 JUNE 2021 / www . modernathlete . co . za