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So many people ’ s jobs have been impacted financially by the pandemic , either by having to take salary cuts , being made redundant due to the financial impact on business , or sadly , an entire business having to close down because they just couldn ’ t find a way to keep their doors open anymore . Experiencing a loss such a this has a huge impact on our psyche , how we see ourselves and the world around us . For some it may have been the push they needed to get out of a job environment that was no longer serving them , yet had become comfortable in . For others it may have been a huge blow to a longterm career plan they had been fully invested in .
Going through an experience like this not only has a huge impact on us financially , but also on our sense of worth , value , belonging and identity . Our ability to bounce forward from an event like this is largely impacted by our ability to implement three critical skills : Self-discipline , self-leadership and resilience .
First Steps to Recovery
It ’ s normal to experience a range of emotions while working through the changes happening in your life , and still trying to make the best of the situation . The best approach is allowing yourself some personal time to process the situation and what insights you can apply going forward . Even in the toughest of situations , there is always knowledge , perspective and positives to be taken , and this is what can help you put a plan of action together for your next steps , whether that be job searching or starting something on your own .
It may also be worthwhile tapping into your support structures to help you with putting your plan of action together , whether that be a mentor , coach or a professional . They can act as a sounding board and also give you different perspectives that you might not be able to see during the process , especially on those days when self-doubt , anxiety and worry may creep in .
It can be hard to remain positive and motivated if you have been job searching for a while . Every time we get a ‘ sorry your application was unsuccessful ’, it can trigger us to feel more despondent , and even questioning what is wrong with us , or believing we have no value to contribute .
It is at times like these that it may help to put some structure in place :
• Structure your day so that you are not spending all your time scouring the many job sites and job ads , which can be a trigger to your mood and energy levels .
• Find a mentor , peer group or network that you can tap into for reassurance , encouragement and potential opportunities .
• Ask for feedback – reach out to your trusted circle , previous managers and colleagues and ask them what they think your strengths , development areas and valuable traits are . This can help you to stay focused on the positives , and you can use the info to tweak your CV as well as use the insights for personalised cover letters and answers to interview questions , giving you the potential edge over others .
• Put yourself out there by attending webinars , seminars and online summits , as it ’ s a great way to expand your network and skills at the same time .
• Use the time to upskill yourself if you potentially need to re-invent yourself or pivot your career . More and more companies are taking short courses into account versus traditional institutional qualifications , as they see this as someone who is proactive , takes initiative and is not afraid to learn new things , which may just give you the edge over another candidate .
Not Defined by Failing
Remember , failure is an event , not a person , and being retrenched or losing your business does not mean you failed . It may well have been due to reasons beyond your control , like COVID , and there is nothing you can do about it , so focus forward and rise above the challenge . This is where self-discipling , selfleadership and resilience is crucial .
Lastly , remember that you are more than your job title and a pay cheque . Don ’ t let your identity rely solely on that to define your worth and contribution to the world .
Paula Quinsee is a relationship and life coach , Tedx speaker and author of Embracing Conflict and Embracing No . She is a passionate advocate for healthy relationships and personal transformation , and works with both individuals and companies to better understand relationship patterns , communication and conflict styles , emotional behaviours and traits , and how to have healthier human interactions in both our personal and workplace worlds . More info at www . paulaquinsee . com .
Healthier Options : Decaffeinated vs Caffeinated CoffeeDecaffeinated coffee still contains caffeine – about 4mg per cup , versus 130mg in a cup of regular – and has been shown to have similar health benefits to caffeinated coffee . Caffeine is a central nervous system stimulant that can have some positive effects on the human body , such as it may help reduce the risk of heart disease , diabetes , certain cancers , Parkinson ’ s disease and maybe even Alzheimer ’ s disease . Caffeine in low doses is also thought to be associated with an improvement in sporting performance , increased alertness and reduction in fatigue . However , there are some definite drawbacks to too much caffeine , including anxiety and irritability , headaches , irregular heartbeat , muscle twitches , and sleeplessness . Caffeine can cause temporarily high blood pressure , nervousness and increased production of urine and gastric acid , and may trigger arrhythmia in people with heart conditions .
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