Live Well
The Skill of Identifying Change
By Nick Robert
Being able to identify change is probably one of the most incredible skills any individual can have .
As human beings , we often like to accept fault rather than create positive action , and the health and fitness industry is no different . When it comes to building your body up to your desired goal look , it takes the initial step of identifying change and working with it . Being obsessed with specific nutrition trends and over-training may lead you down the wrong path , but identifying change and balance will create such an incredible creative outlook in the way you live , eat and breathe .
We have one body , and with that body we have the incredible choice and chance to make it better mentally , physically and emotionally . So , don ’ t beat yourself up when you break your diet , miss a training session , or slip up and enjoy that naughty slice of cake . We are all human , and we all require balance . Without it , we no longer create enjoyment .
When it comes to healthy living , create a goal board of weekly decision-making , and this can include the smallest , most simple changes that form the bigger picture and will lead to the final goal . On this , I always advise my clients to make one small change daily that , firstly , makes them feel good , and secondly , that offers a positive influence for others .
Remember , the body is very emotional , and the way in which you feel physically will also play a huge role in the way in which you communicate with others around you . Get up earlier each day , cut out one bad habit , compliment someone else when they deserve it , because both the physique and mind love energy , and specifically , they love to be around positive energy .
Nick Robert is a Durban-based fitness coach , nutritionist , life coach and wellness writer . He studied sports medicine and dietetics , and is owner and founder of both Rush Nutrition and East Coast Transformations . He believes in building clients both mentally and physically on their journey to self-improvement , and says that fitness is more than just training and nutrition , it evolves a person ’ s emotion and confidence , creating positive growth . You can find out more at https :// ectfit . co . za .
Workout Time
Work Those Quads !
By Logan Coleman
Who ’ s ready for a quad killer ? Then you should give this workout a try :
• 4X12 Incline squats
• 3X10 Wide leg press & close leg press combo superset
• 3X10 1 & 1 / 4 Leg extensions
• 3X8 1 & 1 / 4 Front foot elevated split lunges
• 3X15 Hack squats
You can watch a video demonstrating the various sets here :
Logan Coleman is the sole owner of Logan Coleman Fitness and says her mission is to help women achieve their goals through balanced eating plans as well as awesome training plans . She has a specialised nutrition qualification from Trifocus and has worked in a boutique gym . She believes in making plans simple to follow , delicious , and most importantly , to fit into one ’ s lifestyle . More about her at www . logancoleman . com .
36 ISSUE 139 MARCH 2021 / www . modernathlete . co . za