Richard , Deborah and their combined family
already lined up for the show , which will be done through Solid Gold Podcasts , and will be available in both audio and video .”
“ Ultimately , I ’ m building a course for people to plan their own path , their journey to purpose and giving meaning to their lives . I am going to ask people to dig deeper , explore themselves , find what makes them happy or gives them purpose , what they give a damn about , as I take them on a journey . That ’ s why I ask them , ‘ If I said you have 12 months to live , what are you going to do with that time , and what do you want people to say about you in 12 months , in your eulogy ? What legacy do you want to leave behind ?’ That is the purpose I speak of … because the only thing in life that you have 100 per cent control over are the thoughts in your head . When your thoughts are centred around the very essence of your purpose , and the meaning of your life , you unleash immeasurable power .”
So … Your Next Race ?
In terms of running and triathlons , Richard has had a quiet year due to the pandemic , which was not all bad . “ I must be honest in saying that I was relieved when Ironman SA in April was postponed to November , as I was very undertrained . I was also entered for the Durban 70.3 in June , but like the full Ironman , it was also cancelled .” On the other hand , he did manage to run 50km in July , when he launched the # loveyourage challenge .
“ I decided to run 50km on my 50th birthday – my longest run since 1994 – and challenged others to do something similar in the # LoveYourAgeChallenge . For example , my mom wrote 79 letters of appreciation to friends and family , and in the end we collectively raised R22,000 for charities by getting others to pledge support . You know , just a few years ago I never thought I would see my 50th birthday , so that was a real milestone for me .”
Looking ahead , Richard says he is planning to run the Hillcrest Marathon in February in KZN , with a friend who wants to run a fast time on his 50th birthday , and then he would like to do Ironman SA again . He adds that somewhere at the back of his mind , he is also playing with the idea of tackling the Comrades Marathon sometime . “ The Comrades has always been a dream , but usually it ’ s too close to the Ironman , and that ’ s why it ’ s still on the bucket-list . I know that Ironman is mentally tougher , but doesn ’ t even come close to being as physically hard as Comrades . And to be honest , I ’ m getting tired of being asked if I have done the Comrades … because apparently you ’ re not a ‘ real runner ’ in this country until you ’ ve run the Comrades !”
Whatever events Richard ends up entering , what is not up for question that he will be racing , because lining up for tough physical endurance challenges motivates him to keep on fighting his cancer . “ When I am feeling down and out , when I ’ m battling , I find that to enter a race is amazing , because crossing a finish line makes me feel that I can beat cancer again , and that I am proving to my girls that I am going to be OK .”
The Power of Purpose , by Richard Wright
A modern-day Man ’ s Search for Meaning
In 2016 , Richard was confronted with a diagnosis of rare pituitary cancer , and in attempting to deal with this bleak knowledge , he defined what mattered most in his life – his true purpose – which was ensuring that his two young daughters would not have to grow up without their dad . That allowed him to focus on overcoming the seemingly insurmountable challenges and obstacles that faced him , using the sheer power of his mind .
Ongoing research into what the human mind is capable of , as well as sheer grit and determination , enabled him to complete a number of full Ironman races while undergoing stringent cancer treatment . Athletes have 17 hours in which to complete these demanding ultra-endurance events that consist of a 3.8km swim , 180km cycle and a 42.2km marathon run .
Richard ’ s story is told with raw honesty , humility and humour , and he proves that discomfort can spark tremendous growth in both our personal and professional lives . It is a profound story of passion and endurance , but above all , it is a story that will resonate deeply for every one of us , whatever our life circumstances , revealing learnings that challenge us to think differently about our own purpose in life . The Power of Purpose is an unforgettable account of one man ’ s indomitable will to overcome crippling , frightening adversity . Its power will remain with you long after you have turned the last page .
Available at a recommended selling price of R280 at all leading bookstores , including Exclusive Books and Readers Warehouse , or online from Amazon . Signed copies are available directly from Richard via his website , www . iamrichardwright . com .