Modern Athlete Magazine Issue 136, December 2020 Issue 136, December 2020 | Page 56

to stop so many times , but then I thought , Richard , tomorrow you start another round of chemotherapy , and I got angry . I decided I am not going to give this thing power over me . Then my head took over , and somehow I ran a 3:26 marathon for a 10:20 finish . I have no idea where that came from ... but it showed me once again that we don ’ t know what we are truly capable of , until we have our backs against the wall and are literally fighting for our lives .”
Following a New Path
Later in 2017 , Richard also took on the Ironman Wales event – “ the toughest thing I had ever done in my life , due to the conditions on top of my health ,” he says – and somehow he ended the year as the highest-ranked SA Ironman triathlete in the 45-50 age category . “ Even better was the news on 4 December that I was in remission , so I phoned my boss , Andrew Golding , and told him I was resigning , as I wanted to pursue a career as a full-time speaker . I felt that was my purpose , and now I had the opportunity – but I had to battle the boss for the next three months , as he didn ’ t want me to leave . Fortunately , he eventually relented , and in March 2018 I started working as a motivational speaker . My girlfriend , Deborah and I also
went into business together , with her as CEO – Chief Enrichment Officer – in our Enrichment Project .”
Richard ’ s plan was to use his vast experience of working with , coaching , and speaking to people , to share insights of the hardships he has endured , but more importantly , to share the lessons he has learnt from overcoming the supposedly insurmountable challenges of his cancer journey , turning hardship into success . However , the rollercoaster ride continued when in mid-2018 , he was told the cancer was back , and he says that brought on some really tough times . “ I was trying to break into the speaking circuit , which is hard enough , and I needed to make a living . Again , it was tough to get my head around it , but I took it one day at a time , and still managed to do a number of races .”
By 2019 , things were looking up , and Richard says he had an amazing year as a speaker , breaking into the global circuit , but it was hard on his health – and not just because of the stress of pressure or travel . “ While there is no known cure for pituitary cancer , there are ongoing trials taking place , and I got onto a trial drug from Israel . However , after three months I found I was battling with my breathing , and a lung scan found that I had pulmonary toxicity from the chemo , with nodules on my lungs , hence battling with breathing .”
he received the good news that he had gone into remission again , but his still young career as a speaker took a big hit . “ Within three days of the lockdown being announced , I had lost every bit of upcoming business I had booked , and I had no idea how to make an income , or pay school fees .”
Richard with girlfriend and business partner Deborah Good
ISSUE 136 DECEMBER 2020 / www . modernathlete . co . za
“ But overall , 2019 was a good year , made even better when I was approached midway through the year by publisher Tracey McDonald to write a book . I had tried to start a book the previous year , but only got one chapter written , because the project seemed too big for me at the time . Now , true to Richardlastminute . com form , I left the new book project to the last minute for my deadline in January this year , so over the December holiday period , I pumped out 85,000 words in 21 days ! I wasn ’ t happy with it , though , so begged for an extension , but everybody who read the draft said don ’ t change it ! It was supposed to be out at the beginning of the year , but was delayed by COVID , so came out in July , on my 50th birthday , and I ’ m ecstatic about the rave reviews The Power of Purpose has received thus far .”
Staying Positive
Richard says that the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic brought him mixed feelings once again . Just one week before the national lockdown began ,
Typically positive , no matter what life throws at him , Richard says he decided to treat lockdown as a good example of forced change being the best change , because you have to think outside the box and try new things . That saw him pick up the phone and ask all his contacts , “ How can I help you ?” Offering virtual talks instead of live talks , he soon began picking up opportunities again , and he says , “ I have now done more than 70 virtual keynote addresses since lockdown began , and have spoken to more than 20,000 people ! I obviously can ’ t wait for live events to come back , in spite of my co-morbitidies , but I feel really blessed with what has happened this year .”
And with the success of his first book ongoing , Richard has already begun laying plans for a followup , which he says will have the title Path to Purpose . “ In it I want to reframe my purpose and help others to do the same , by talking to people with massive goals and how they achieve them . I ’ m also busy writing the script for a show , based on that . It ’ s a super exciting concept , and I think I have some amazing people
“ The only thing in life that you have 100 per cent control over are the thoughts in your head . When your thoughts are centred around the very essence of your purpose , and the meaning of your life , you unleash immeasurable power .”
Images : Courtesy Richard Wright