Modern Athlete Magazine Issue 110, September 2018 | Page 16

The Running Challenors , from left : Nix , Jenna , Tao , Rylee and Brett




They may still be young , but Nix , Rylee and Tao Challenor are definitely following in the footsteps of their running mom , Jenna Challenor . – BY SEAN FALCONER
Rylee wins the Totalsports Women ’ s 5km Durban

When 11-year-old Rylee Challenor hit the track at the Totalsports Women ’ s Race 5km in Durban in July , the commentator couldn ’ t refrain from announcing , “ Here comes our winner , and she isn ’ t even as tall as the fencing !” She crossed the line in a scintillating 20:40 , watched all the way by her proud mom , Jenna , who won the 10km race here in 2013 , and since then has run for SA in the World Half Marathon Champs as well as finished runner-up in the 2017 Old Mutual Two Oceans Marathon . Taking it all in her stride , Rylee says she just focused on having fun in only her third ever 5km race .

“ Before I ran , my mom told me it ’ s an adults race , so just go have fun . I had never run a big road race before , so I was very nervous . When I started I was running with my sister Nicky until she saw one of the girls who races me at cross country . She encouraged me to leave her and go race , and as I did she shouted , “ Go , Rylee , go ,” and I felt so happy to have my big sister there for me . I was in second place behind an under-15 girl until 4km , where I saw my mom and dad , and then went into first place . When I finished I had my first interview while my mom jumped over the fence to hug me .”
When 13-year-old Nicky came in a few minutes later , Rylee was waiting on the line , which her older sister really appreciated : “ It made me feel so happy and so proud of Rylee ’ s achievement . I loved it when she hugged me as I finished the race .” Meanwhile , Jenna says she and husband Brett were surprised to see Rylee win . “ We don ’ t let her run this distance often , so she really shocked us , but it ’ s back to cross country and track for her now . I believe that at their age less is more .”
The three Challenor girls have clearly inherited some serious sporting genes from their parents , both of whom are active runners as well as being former lifesaving internationals . Nicky has provincial colours in biathle , medalled at SA Lifesaving Champs , and is excelling at swimming , hockey , water polo and cross country . Rylee has won most of her cross country races over the last three years , also won the Long Run event at SA Lifesaving Champs , and was selected to represent SA in the USA at the Biathle World Champs .
Although just six , Tao is already showing signs of sporting talent , says Jenna . “ Earlier this year , when the older girls were getting their gear ready for a Mudman triathlon , she asked to do the Mudskipper race . Brett lined up with her amongst all the other parents , only to be told , ‘ I ’ m good , Dad , you can wait over there .’ I expected her to come tootling in last , so almost fell over when she finished the bike leg in second behind a boy and proceeded to charge past him into first place !”
Nix and Rylee both finished second in their age groups at their recent district cross country champs ,
thus qualifying for the KZN provincial champs in Newcastle in early September , which Nix is particularly happy about . “ I was determined to make the district team this year , so that I could go with Rylee to the KZN champs – and it ’ s on my 14th birthday , too !” This will also make it easy for Brett and Jenna to support both girls , but that is not always possible , as was the case in July . “ It hadn ’ t happened before , but I suspect it may happen more now ,” says Jenna .
“ Rylee had a sports day in Durban and Nix had district cross country champs in Pietermaritzburg on the same day , so I asked the girls who they wanted to come to their races . Nix said she didn ’ t mind , and Rylee suggested we both go watch Nix , as we had watched her race a few days before . I just couldn ’ t leave her with no-one at her sports day , so we decided Brett would go watch Nix , seeing that he works in Pinetown , and I would watch Rylee . He was given strict instructions to film and photograph her race , which he sent to me straight away , and I did the same for Rylee ’ s race , so it worked out fine in the end .”
Looking ahead , Nix says she just loves running for fun , but Rylee has already decided that she would like to become a pro athlete . “ One of my dreams is to run for South Africa , like my mom . She really inspires me and makes me want to run more .” Meanwhile , Jenna has just started running again after a tibial stress fracture injury and says she can ’ t wait to get back to full training . “ This injury has made me realise how much I love running , and that ’ s why my heart bursts with pride at my girls , not just because they are doing so well , but more because of how much they love running . I really believe that at their age it ’ s all about fun .”
Images : Graham TopPhoto & Jenna Challenor
16 ISSUE 110 SEPTEMBER 2018 / www . modernathlete . co . za