Modern Athlete Magazine Issue 110, September 2018 | Page 14

ADVERTORIAL Why is MAGNESIUM Important for Athletes? By Christine Barrow, Fitness and Nutrition Coach for Magnesium Café M agnesium is a critical part of more than 300 enzymes in your body. These enzymes help to regulate various functions, including energy production, protein synthesis, blood pressure regulation and muscle contractions. Magnesium also plays a significant role in maintaining bone and heart health. It is a major mineral, meaning more is needed compared to trace minerals, like zinc or iron. Foods rich in magnesium include green leafy vegetables, whole grains, beans and nuts. Unfortunately, many of the foods that contain magnesium are under-consumed by most South Africans, and studies show that almost 80% of the general population is magnesium-deficient! You might be at risk of low magnesium levels if: • • • • • • You drink carbonated drinks and alcohol regularly. You eat sugary pastries and starches often. You have high stress levels or if you have undergone a traumatic operation. You consume large amounts of coffee, tea and caffeine. You experience anxiety and find it difficult to sleep. You get regular muscle spasms and cramps. The reality is that even small shortfalls in magnesium can impair performance, especially for athletes and anyone exercising regularly. A 2012 study of elite runners showed that it was magnesium, not sodium or potassium, that was the electrolyte most depleted during the race. The low magnesium stores resulted in significant inflammation for the runners. Don’t let this happen to you! Magnesium Café’s Slow Carma contributes to the maintenance of normal muscle function and the development of healthy bones and teeth. It also helps to metabolise carbohydrates, fats and proteins, and combats tiredness and fatigue. Magnesium in combination with L-carnitine forms a compound that combats magnesium or L-carnitine deficiency, strengthens your metabolism and helps the body to produce energy efficiently. (Also note that vegans or vegetarians are at risk of having a L-carnitine deficiency because L-carnitine is only present in red meat. Slow Carma supplements this deficiency.) You Need Magnesium! Here’s how a magnesium supplement like Slow Carma can help you as an athlete: • Increases muscle strength • Balances hormones • Improves insulin sensitivity • Speeds up recovery between training • Relieves muscle spasms and cramps Also, stress is a reality for many of us and will have a significant negative impact on your training and your ability to rest and recover, unless it is managed smartly. There are several ways magnesium can alleviate stress and anxiety, to help you continue performing optimally during hard, long training periods. • Magnesium Increases GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid): Low GABA is associated with numerous stress-related problems like generalised anxiety disorder, panic attacks, and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). • Magnesium restricts stress hormones like cortisol from entering the brain. • Magnesium has anti-inflammatory properties – brain inflammation has been linked to anxiety and depression. • Magnesium stabilises blood sugar – if this drops too low, your body produces more cortisol, which can lead to increased anxiety and stress. So