Modern Athlete Mag Issue 155 MA_Issue 155 | Page 49

( MIS ) ADVENTURES trail ( mis ) adventures by CARLA LEA FARINA
Images : Courtesy Carla Farina

Comet was a big , beautiful German Shorthaired Pointer with an unmatched enthusiasm for absolutely everything , who I lost ( far too young ) thanks to an aggressive form of cancer called Haemocarcinoma . Now , I won ’ t go into the details of this horrific disease , I ’ d rather look back at a life lived to the absolute full , until his last breath . And his favourite thing to do … was run !

Running Companion
Many people say their dogs are special , and they are all right , but Comet really did have something about him . I ’ m not even sure I can describe what it was , but the fact that his life was so greatly celebrated by so many ( including the vet ) is testament to that . Comet was many things but , as this is a running magazine , I would like to tell you about Comet the trail adventurer and running king .
He went with me on almost every run from when he was able to run , but his two best places to run were with ‘ his ’ running group , the Early Worms ( he was the team mascot ), and heading out to the Big Red Barn for a Trail Adventure Race ( or as I call them , ‘ Shane races ’). When he was just two years old , Comet won his first gold medal at one of these events .
Whether I was running alone or in a group , on the road or the trail , he was there - my shadow , my fellow adventurer – and life without him has been awfully empty and lonely , and most of all , quiet . The thing about dogs is that they are always fully with you , and running with him taught me how to really be in the moment in each and every run we had together . That is such a special gift he gave me , and I think about him every single time I lace up my shoes .
When we lose something that is such a big part of our lives , we often find ourselves searching for answers , or trying to make sense of a loss . To me , going


( MIS ) ADVENTURES trail ( mis ) adventures by CARLA LEA FARINA

Comet Burning Bright

This column is dedicated to the memory of my best friend and partner-in-crime , Comet , to honour and remember the companionship he brought to me and so many other people .
Carla and Comet out with the Early Worms
out and running my heart out is exactly what Comet would have wanted me to do , so I encourage you all to go and lose yourself in nature , and lose yourself in the moment . Spend time enjoying the little things , like taking a run with your dog … because they really can be taken away at any time .
Continuing Legacy
Comet taught me how to be excited about life , how to love unconditionally , and how to live every single moment as if it ’ s the best moment of all time , and that is how I will honour his memory . In 2023 , I will be running my second Comrades – I ’ m going for a Back2Back medal – and this run will be dedicated to Comet .
In addition , between now and Comrades , I will be raising funds ( and awareness ) for a very special organisation that has become a big part of my life , the Southern Africa Animal Cancer Association . Comet was taken from me far too soon , and I am hoping that leaps are made forward in the early detection and treatment of cancer in our fur children . All funds raised will go directly into research of cancer in animals at the Onderstepoort Veterinary Academic Hospital , and I cannot think of a better way to honour Comet ’ s memory , so please show your support at www . backabuddy . co . za / comrades-for-comet .
What I am asking you on behalf of Comet and the other animals that have lost , or will lose the fight against cancer , let ’ s take a step toward in strengthening our defences against cancer in animals . Let ’ s fight for those who can ’ t fight for themselves . Let Comet ’ s memory live on , and let him go from a running ambassador , to an ambassador for the fight against animal cancer .
I cannot wait to see you all out on the trails this December . I will be taking Aero ( Comet ’ s little brother ) to run in the mountains of the Amatola Rainforest in the Eastern Cape , and to swim in the seas of the Wild Coast , so that when we return , we ’ ll have more epic adventures to share with you . Thank you to everyone who loved and ran with Comet over his short but unforgettable seven years . I know he is still running with us !
About the Author
While Carla ’ s ‘ day job ’ is Head Tennis Coach and Director of Tennis at Game Set Match Tennis in Johannesburg , her second love is trail running , which she tackles with an unquenchable thirst for adventure , a never-say-die attitude , and a healthy sense of humour about all the misadventures that befall her on the trails !
Like a comet , burning bright …