Modern Athlete Mag Issue 155 MA_Issue 155 | Page 48

On her way to victory in the 2022 Cape Town Trail Marathon
Landie has found the right balance between family and running commitments
sessions due to being emotionally , mentally and physically tired , and I was very doubtful whether I should race in that state of mind .” She also fell ill just five days before the race . “ I got the green light from my doctor prior to the race , but there wasn ’ t much time to get myself mentally race-ready .” Luckily , the day before the race , I managed a run and my body felt amazing , so I knew I would be disappointed if I didn ’ t line up and give it my best shot .”
Playing Catch-up
Going into the PT55 , Landie ’ s race strategy was to start conservatively and use her 14 years of trail running experience to her benefit , including many races in the Cape Peninsula mountains . Even so , she found herself steadily falling further behind the two internationals runners who led the women ’ s race .
“ They started very fast , and by the first checkpoint I was already in third position trailing the leaders by one minute , and at the Hout Bay station , I was between four and five minutes behind . I wasn ’ t having my best day , but I also knew I was holding back , so I hoped I would make up time as I went along ,” she says . “ Then between the Hout Bay and Constantia stations , I had a really tough time . I couldn ’ t eat or drink much and lost a further 10 minutes .”
Fortunately , she recovered , and from Constantia Glen she started feeling really good , eventually moving into second place . “ I managed to keep the pace and at that stage I was just trying to keep the gap to the leader as small as I could , hoping I would have a better second half and catch up .” As it turned out , she had a storming second half , steadily closing that gap and eventually taking the lead inside the final 10 kays , then winning the sprint in the final few kays .
Family Planning
Landie is married to fellow professional trail runner and coach Christiaan , and they have two young children , four-year-old Christopher and one-year-old Anzel . Both athletes have represented their country at World Champs level in trail running , and won various top level events around the world , but the last few years have seen them focusing a lot of their time and energy on their young family , as well as their growing coaching
Landie and husband Christiaan are two of South Africa ’ s most decorated trail runners
business . Now , however , Landie feels she is able to focus a bit more on her own running again , and this is evident in her two big wins in October and November .
“ After Anzel was born , Christiaan and I decided we would not have any more kids . Then I knew I could start getting back to my best . I really wanted to go out there , use my talent and see what I could do at 38 , but without spending a lot of time away from my kids .” That ’ s why she now prioritises quality over quantity , says Landie . “ I train smarter . My longer runs are more specific and shorter . I do two speed sessions and one hill session a week , with a trail specific session on Wednesday and one long run on a weekend . I have been fortunate to put structures in place that allow me to train but also spend time with the kids and have a healthy balance .”
She adds that it takes a team effort to make her wins a reality . “ When you have a family , being a mom and a professional athlete is definitely not a one-woman task . Only with a strong support structure can you achieve . Fortunately , Christiaan ’ s parents moved to the Western Cape in July , and although they live some distance away , they stay with us over weekends and I don ’ t feel guilty for leaving the kids with them .”
Outside of the family , her support team includes coach Ernie Grühn , biokinetist Ian Rainsford , massage therapist Francois Retief , strength training coach Ronel Nattrass and pilates instructor Suzette Van Rooyen . “ Before I had kids , I took my training for granted – I just put on my shoes , went out the door and did my thing .
Nowadays every single training session needs to be planned beforehand . I never knew that it could mean so much to have people in your corner that allow you to do what you love and pursue your dreams and goals .”
Balancing Act
In between her family commitments and her own running , Landie is kept really busy by the coaching business she and Christiaan run . In 2017 , they started Alpasfit Training Academy with a handful of athletes and now have more than 100 under their wing , doing everything trail running and adventure-related . “ Alpasfit means breaking free from the old into the new , so we like to help ordinary people to achieve their best and help them to change their lives ,” says Landie .
This year , under Christiaan ’ s guidance , Alpasfit started working towards establishing a development running academy . “ We try to create opportunities for development trail runners to race across the country , providing everything from running shoes to entries , accommodation , physio and massage services , to help them be the best trail athlete they can be . There ’ s a lot of funding needed for it , and we are working towards getting corporate sponsors on board ,” she adds .
As to what comes next , Landie says that having achieved her goal of winning the Sanlam Cape Town Trail Marathon , followed by the somewhat unexpected win at UTCT , she is now taking some time off from racing and recharging her batteries for next year . “ It ’ s been a tough couple of months , but all the hard work and sacrifices of the past couple of years ( and before I had kids ) paid off – and there are so many people to thank for all the love and support ,” says Landie . “ Now I can ’ t wait to catch up with friends and spend some quality time with my family . It ’ s time for some good old R & R !”
Images : Dean Bannatyne and courtesy Landie Greyling
After her two big wins ,
48 ISSUE 155 | www . modernathlete . co . za Landie is ready to slow down until 2023
This article is based on two media releases by Kirsty Hatt of KH Comms , distributed on behalf of Landie Greyling and Alpasfit . More info at http :// alpasfit . com .