modebranchen.NU buyer's magazine NU no 4 July/August 2020 | Page 52

ARTIKEL · ARTICLE at mærkerne har forskellige målgrupper. Begge mærker tilbyder i øvrigt et tæt samarbejde med detaillisten gennem etablering af shop-in-shops og partnerskabsaftaler. - Vi anerkender med navneskiftet, at den modne kvinde efterspørger navnet Brandtex. Vi lytter til markedet og opdaterer de to universer, hvilket også betyder, at de to brands i mange tilfælde vil henvende sig til forskellige typer butikker. På den måde bliver BTX Group mere relevant for en større del af markedet, fastslår Jesper Ingø. 85 ÅRS FØDSELSDAG Ud over Brandtex og B.Copenhagen/B.Coast- line står den 85 år gamle tøjkoncern BTX Group bag de tre brands Signature, Jensen og CISO. Oprindeligt begyndte den danske tekstilvirksomhed under yderst beskedne kår, da Anna og Aage Petersen i 1935 etablerede sig i Anna Petersens fars gamle vandmølle i Brande. Senere udviklede virksomheden sig til et dansk erhvervs- og eksporteventyr, og BTX Group bevarede koncernnavnet Brandtex helt indtil april 2006. I dag er BTX Group en international modekoncern med fem brands og afsætning over det meste af Europa. Hovedsædet ligger MODEBRANCHEN. · ISSUE NO 04 · 2020 · 5 2 fortsat i Brande. Indkøbere kan se de opdaterede universer fra alle fem brands i det store showroom i Bella Center i København. BTX Group opfordrer kunder til på forhånd at booke en aftale, og dørene er åbne alle dage under Order Days i CIFF Showrooms den 2.-14. august 2020. SUMMARY B.Classic becomes Brandtex and is renewed as its own brand. With the Brandtex name, BTX Group wants to focus on an audience of mature women who value quality, timeless fashion, feminine elegance, and good fit. The Brandtex name was never completely gone but was somewhat de-emphasized in the concepts B.Classic Brandtex, B.Copenhagen Brandtex, and B.Coastline Brandtex. From the Spring/Summer 2021 collections, B.Classic Brandtex will become Brandtex, BRANDTEX while B.Copenhagen Brandtex will drop “Brandtex” to become B.Copenhagen. Similarly with B.Coastline, which will now be a sub-brand under B.Copenhagen. Sales director Jesper Ingø explains the thinking behind the new names: - Our sales figures show that B.Classic Brandtex is primarily sold to the “classical Brandtex woman”. In other words, the brand is bought by the modern consumer who wants fashion in a classic and timeless style with good fit - and who associates the well-known Brandtex brand with positive values. So our Brandtex clothing doesn’t need any other names than just “Brandtex”. We’re simplifying our communication, says Jesper Ingø, Sales Director Global. He adds that B.Copenhagen and sub-brand B.Coastline are aimed at the fashion-conscious woman who loves the city and the nature. - With the name change, we’re recognizing the demand for Brandtex from mature women. The two brands Brandtex and B.Copenhagen/B.Coastline will often be interesting for different types of retail stores. So in that way, BTX Group will be more relevant to a larger section of the market, asserts Jesper Ingø. Besides Brandtex and B.Copenhagen/B. Coastline, the 85-year-old clothing company BTX Group is also behind the brands Signature, Jensen, and CISO. Today, BTX Group is an international fashion enterprise with sales across most of Europe.