I visited the Camden Town Traid store, just by the station. I feel that their target customer is varied and they stocked great stuff for older and younger people. Although I haven’t visited another Traid store to compare, I felt that the stuff stocked their suited Camden Town’s ethos and the kind of people that spend their time there for example there was a lot of 90s and vintage pieces as well as some more alternative modern pieces. The window display also suited the punky/gothic feel of Camden.

I’d describe the window display as peculiar but still stylish. It was unusual and not something you’d see in a regular shop window but it was interesting, eye-catching and there was an imaginative use of different garments, textures, accessories and fragmented materials. Because it is a second hand/charity store it would be very difficult to link the window to a theme in store however the window display had a theme which was good because most charity stores just have loads of items in the window and it sometimes looks messy and not that attention-drawing.