Mobileocity Marketing Profit From Mobile App Marketing | Page 4

Everyone reads texts. Ok, well almost everyone -- 90 percent of all text messages are read within three minutes of being received. This isn't just a fluffy statistic. Recent research gathered by also suggests that "almost one third of those targeted with SMS advertising campaigns respond to the correspondence; with almost half of this group going on to make a purchase." This research totally speaks for itself. And yes, U.S. citizens can register with the do not call registry, but this has nothing to do with the sending and receiving of SMS. In the article cited at the beginning of this post, the author boldly claims that "a major chunk of the population is already registered with the DND." First, there is no clear statistical research backing up this assumption. Second, in the U.S., the Do Not Call registry protects consumers from just that -- unwanted calls. It's designed to prevent telemarketers from harassing consumers. This has absolutely nothing to do with text messaging. Now, if for some reason you do find yourself receiving unwanted text messages, you can file a complaint. But, knowing the permission-based nature of this marketing method, you may never confront this issue. Character limitation forces marketers to get right to the point. There is a 160 Character limit on text messages. With SMS, it's simply about providing an irresistible offer. There's no point in droning on and on with a 300-word marketing message. Subscribers are opting in to receive an exclusive offer, not to hear about how your day is going. Our current digital age rewards simple marketing messages with easy to understand calls to action. The 160 Character limit on SMS messages is actually ideal. Now, just like with any other marketing method, can SMS sometimes come off as obnoxious? Absolutely. But so can Facebook, direct mail, pay-per-click ads, and so on. It's not necessarily the channel, but instead the quality of the message and offer. Courtesy of Kristen Vanstrom - Now it’s just a matter of selecting a mobile platform to run your expanded business kingdom from. “91% of mobile users keep their phone within 3 feet of themselves at all times”. Would Henrietta’s story have made it into a Text Message? Probably!