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Mobile Marketing “Mobile is not the future. It is now. Meet your customers in the environment of their choice, not where it is convenient for you”. Cyndie Shaffstall, Spider Trainers Here's Why SMS Marketing Is Literally the Best Idea Ever Texts are quick and cheap, and always read by everyone. *Ding ding* One new text. Maybe it's that cute boy you've been talking to in Chem class. Maybe it's your boss wanting to congratulate you on your performance. Or maybe, just maybe, it's an irresistible text offer from your favorite retail chain. What's the first thing you do? Open it, duh. If you swipe left and delete the message before even reading it. Well, kudos to you, you're a borderline extraterrestrial. Personally, I can't remember the last time I didn't open a text message, and I'm sure you can agree. Here's a little bit more about SMS marketing and proof to back up my bold claim. It's not spam. SMS messaging follows the rules of permission based marketing. It's 100 percent opt-in based. Simply put, customers have to give their expressed consent before receiving SMS messages. This can be done in one of three ways. New subscribers can double opt-in¹ via web widget, add their cell number to a compliant sign-up form or text to join. The latter is the most common. After opting in, the new subscriber will receive an auto reply confirming their subscription. If the opt-in was accidental, they can simply reply STOP, and all messaging will cease.