Mobile:Engaged Compendium 2021 | Page 7

Bonus sections
Bonus sections
Case Studies
The compendium also contains sections ( our ‘ Case Studies ’) that relate to a range of actual projects . In many cases , the innovators behind these ideas have generously agreed to share their contact details so that you can get in touch with them and discuss your own ideas and ask questions . These specific examples also allow you to consider what other professionals have chosen to do in similar situations , and how you can learn from issues they have experienced along the way . Intriguing as this section might sound , we would advise against flicking straight to the ‘ solution ’ without first establishing the specifics of your particular challenge .
Added extras
Throughout the compendium you will also find a series of ‘ added extras ’. These range from sources of data for your initial fact-finding mission , to toolkits for evaluating your work , to national schemes that you might want to consider getting involved in or promoting . We ’ ve included these where we are well aware that there is some very specific and relevant expertise out there , and we ’ re better off simply pointing you in the direction of where it can be found than trying to summarise it here .
Making the most of academic expertise
Towards the end of the compendium , you will find information regarding a number of ‘ accessible academics ’ that you may find useful in further developing your chosen approach . These individuals are happy to be approached about a range of topics , which they have listed for you . Many of the sources we have drawn on in producing our suggestions have come from their work .
Challenging the challenges
On the Mobile : Engaged journey we encountered a number of recurring ‘ challenges ’ that seemed to keep cropping up when mobile phone use by drivers was the topic of conversation . Sometimes these came from sections of the public , or the media , but sometimes they were described by the innovators we met because they came from other parts of their organisation . We ’ ve listed a few of these challenges at the end of the compendium , along with some of the responses that we think can be offered when they are used .
Why aren ’ t they out catching burglars ?!
It might be a really important call ...
I ’ m a good driver so I can handle it .