Mobile:Engaged Compendium 2021 | Page 6

Part 1 : What is my problem ?
The compendium begins with sections that help you to find out if you are in the right place . By this we mean that we think the first thing to consider is whether or not the issue you have is actually ‘ mobile phone use by drivers ’*. Whilst we certainly wouldn ’ t want to put anyone off from engaging with what we have been up to , it is important to understand the nature of your problem and whether it is , indeed , the most sensible option for commiting time and energy . We provide some suggestions for how to find that out , using a range of different sources that should be available to everyone .
Part 2 : What will work , and how will I know if it ’ s worked ?
Assuming that you do , indeed , find that mobile phone use by ( some , all ) drivers is a logical focus for your efforts and resources , we then encourage you to think about evaluation . Whilst this might seem like an odd consideration ( when you ’ ve not actually done anything yet !), it ’ s never too soon to think about how you will understand for yourself , and demonstrate to others , what you have achieved . Thinking about evaluating your intervention is also a very effective way of working out if what you think you might like to try is logically
As road safety professionals , we can work together to help achieve the aim of creating safer roads . But to do this we need to know what others are doing - especially others operating on the same patch as us .
There is no point in reinventing the wheel when we can learn from approaches that are currently being used and adapt them to our own specific challenges . But to do this successfully we need to make sure we know exactly how our own context differs from or is similar to
going to achieve the outcomes that theirs . you are looking for .
Phone Graphic 2
Part 3 : Groups of Interest
Next , we suggest using the data you have obtained from your information -gathering exercise to dig a little deeper and understand if there is a particular group , behaviour , time or place that is particularly worthy of your attention . We ’ ve provided a section on several groups of possible interest and some of the approaches that may work well for them , but we ’ re not saying that everyone has a particular issue with these groups .
* If it turns out it isn ’ t , please keep reading ! We think this compendium will be useful whatever the problem turns out to be because most of it is just about ideas and approaches that might work on a range of issues .