Mobile:Engaged Compendium 2021 | Page 38

Case Study : The Honest Truth continued ...
Mobile : Engaged contribution
Knowledge exchange
Our Knowledge Exchange Consultation ( KEC ) with The Honest Truth involved the Mobile : Engaged team and the key police partner within the partnership . By discussing the approach , the materials and the thinking behind it , we were able to make some suggestions based on relevant research literature , and also to endorse a lot of the good work the charity is already involved in .
Working with ADIs
‘ Which one are you ?’ – One of the suggestions that The Honest Truth makes to ADI ’ s about their delivery of material is to ask their learners to consider all of the animals and identify ‘ which one are you ?’. This could be effective in encouraging learners to really consider their own behaviour , with helpful prompts about some activities to consider . We discussed , however , that this approach does ask young people choose to relate to at least one animal – and that we actually want to encourage them to disassociate from them . Our KEC partners agreed that it may be preferable to ask individuals if they can recognise any drivers that they know that share characteristics with these animals ( which may or may not include themselves ), or if there are any animals / actions that they may be more likely to be tempted to become when they pass their test . This would continue to allow for that personal reflection which is a valuable part of the exercise , but in a way that is less likely to be perceived as setting them up for failure .
We discussed the idea of an ’ aspirational ’ animal that represents safe choices being made , to encourage individuals to associate with an animal that they should want to associate with . The Honest Truth have considered this , however we agree that the difficulty lies in finding an animal that represents a safe ( and difficult to criticise ) road user ! If an animal could be identified , this could form part of a positive reinforcement campaign through the provision of materials or objects that use this image .