Case Study : The Honest Truth continued ...
Avoidance strategies - ADI ’ s are well-placed to offer learner drivers information relating to avoidance strategies , and The Honest Truth makes good use of this one-to-one education opportunity by encouraging ADIs to explain and demonstrate various strategies for avoiding mobile phone use and to ensure that they are perceived as a normalised element of the driver experience . For example , ADIs may encourage individuals to use the glove compartment to store their phones at the start of every lesson ( and , subsequently , every drive ) so that it becomes as natural to them as wearing a seatbelt or adjusting their mirrors . ADIs are also well-placed to offer personalised and tailored advice that targets the particular temptations or pressures that an individual learner indicates they are most vulnerable to , whether that be social media checking , calling , or perhaps live-streaming ( see p95-97 for more on offering a personalised approach ).
Control over the experience - One of the challenges of an approach ( The Honest Truth or other ) that utilises other professionals such as ADI ’ s is the control ( or lack of it ) that can be maintained by the project designers over the way that information is used and delivered . The Honest Truth provide an information pack to ADIs in an attempt to overcome this . Within the KEC , we agreed that it was important that ADI ’ s continued to receive the information pack explaining how they can use the information given to them , as well as the educational information itself . ADIs are supported in their use of the materials in that they are not necessarily required to follow a particular format , but are advised of how they could use the information , how they could encourage learners to use the website and how they could offer information relating to avoidance strategies or other forms of information . This guided approach will , we agree , be particularly useful to those ADI ’ s that are unsure of how to use the information in a meaningful way , and will enhance the likelihood that the information is being used in the way that was initially planned . It is also important to keep in touch with ADI ’ s and find out what they are doing with the information offered to them .