Mobile:Engaged Compendium 2021 | Page 149

as well as their call . A potential customer or colleague ( for example ) that was trying to reach them would not then feel ‘ ignored ’, and the driver would not be distracted .
• Employers have a big role here too , and should be encouraged to be vocally supportive of drivers not using their phones for any reason whilst driving . If a company is known , or reported to be , exerting pressure on its drivers , then efforts should be directed higher up the company and attempts made to bring about changes in company policy .
Part of our ambition for this compendium is that it will change the way things are done . But this can mean asking difficult questions about current activity . We appreciate that challenges may be made from colleagues that are uncertain of change and cautious about making amendments to current practice . Some of the following responses might be useful in addressing these concerns , and you may find that the support of some research ( including the works we have referenced in this compendium ) will help you to make valid arguments for development , progression and advancement of your approach , or even stopping doing some things altogether .
“ We think it works so why change it ?”
“ It ’ s always worked in the past ”
• It is important to provide evidence that any road safety approach works , and it is not enough to simply feel that something is working . For funding applications , evidence to colleagues / superiors and to justify the continuation of your approach , this evidence is necessary .
• It is in our best interests to implement the most effective interventions that we possibly can , so we need to know if we are doing the right things . Technology is transforming the way we live and work , and drive , so things that we have been doing for years might not be effective any more - through no particular fault of their own .
“ Evaluation is too resource intensive ”
• Evaluation is an important component of any approach , for evidencing that something works , or finding that it does not . It can also help us understand why things are working , and help us avoid accidentally changing small things that might turn out to have been crucial to a project ’ s success .
• Evaluation does not necessarily need to be resource intensive or costly . With the development of suitable evaluation materials , such as a survey , you are able to conduct evaluation of your own , without the need to call in outside help . Evaluation materials , once designed , can be used again and again so are worth the effort it takes to construct them in the first place .