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Roads Policing Academic Network
RPAN is a network of academics in the UK and internationally who are engaged in academic research of relevance to roads policing . Founded in November 2018 , the network grew to over 70 members in the first year and now has over 100 members .
The members are from a range of disciplpines , including criminology , law , psychology , engineering , sociology , geography , gerontology and neuroscience and come from over 60 different universities on three continents .
Their research interests cover all kinds of different topics that can help to understand all kinds of roads policing and road safety issues .
If you would like to join RPAN , or would like to share a news item , promote an opportunity , or ask a question in the weekly newsletter , email h . m . wells @ keele . ac . uk .
RPAN members can help you with :
• Finding and understanding data
• Designing interventions
• Evaluating projects
• Funding applications
• Answering questions
... and much more !
Roads Policing Academic Network
If you would like to find out more , or would like to make contact with an expert in a particular area , please message RPAN ’ s Director Dr Helen Wells ( h . m . wells @ keele . ac . uk ) or conact RPAN via TWitter (@ RoadsPolicingAN )