Mobile News #544 August 12th | Page 31

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Phones 4U
This was by far the smallest mobile shop in Northampton and , despite there being a few customers to attend to , Sam was still quick on the scene to help me out .
He said that most of the newer topend Android phones were compatible with NFC , as well as the newer BlackBerrys – the Z10 and Q10 . He added that the latest Windows Phone devices – the Nokia Lumia 920 and 925 – were also .
Expanding on his earlier comment about Android compatibility , Sam listed the Samsung Galaxy S III and S4 , HTC One and Sony Xperia Z – it was a good list to work from .
He then asked if I was looking to go on to contract or purchase outright on prepay , how much I was looking to spend every month and whether I wanted the phone for personal use or for work . These were all good questions .
Of the selection he had initially mentioned Sam recommended the Galaxy S4 , which would be free for £ 37 a month on a Vodafone Red plan with unlimited minutes , unlimited texts and 2GB of data .
Sam then asked what I did for a living , which was a change of direction , but there was method in the madness .
I told him I was an estate agent , and Sam said that if I knew anyone working in , for example , the NHS , they and five other friends or family members could get a 20 per cent
discount with Vodafone . This was useful information .
Back to the task in hand though , and I asked how easy it would be to activate NFC on the S4 .
Sam offered to show me on a live handset , and he demonstrated that activating the technology on the device could be done in a matter of seconds by dragging down a menu from the top of the home screen . He even gave me a crash course on the S4 and how I could customise it with my own apps .
It was almost a flawless performance from Sam .
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I explained to Phones 4U sales assistant James what I wanted , and he recommended the Samsung Galaxy S4 , HTC One and Sony Xperia Z . He asked me what handset I currently had , before going through the retailer ’ s customer questionnaire .
James asked what I wanted NFC for , whether I was on contract , and with whom , when my contract was due to end and if I wanted to buy on the spot .
The questions kept coming : what phone was I after , what did I think of my Xperia S , were there any networks I wouldn ’ t want to go with and was there anything I was looking for in the handset ? It was a bit of a barrage , but all the questions seemed relevant .
James recommended EE and said that data transfer across NFC would be so much faster on the network because of the increased data speeds .
He was now pushing the HTC One , explaining it was the best music phone owing to its front-facing speakers and Beats by Dr . Dre audio technology . He knew this because he owned the phone .
We then moved on to tariffs and James asked me what I was currently paying and what allowances I had .
I then asked how I could activate NFC on the HTC One , and although James admitted he had never used the function , he was able to find it quickly and show me how it worked . He also showed me how to set up a personal Wi-Fi hotspot on the phone .
I asked about tariffs , and James recommended EE , quoting me the phone free at £ 41 a month with unlimited minutes , texts and 1GB of data . He then called over standin manager Sav who explained the permanent store manager , who lived in nearby Bedford , was receiving download speeds of 100Mbps on EE .
He said they could give me the tariff for £ 33 a month and if I traded in my Xperia S , they ’ d pay off my old contract . Overall , this was an unbeatable deal . I left a very happy customer .
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James Cutler , 25 , Phones 4U
Best handset HTC One Best tariff Orange Panther 41 Sales ethos : A lot of retailers will try and sell whatever they can to customers . Here , we concentrate more on customer service and providing people with the right service

Store round-up :

We asked : For a salesperson to demonstrate an NFC-enabled smartphone
Phones 4U : HTC One free on EE for £ 33 a month with unlimited minutes , texts and 1GB of data . Rest of my contract paid off if I traded in my current handset
Vodafone :
Samsung Galaxy S4 free on Vodafone Red for £ 37 a month with unlimited minutes , unlimited texts and 2GB of data
EE : Sony Xperia SP free for £ 26 a month with unlimited minutes , unlimited texts and 500MB of data
O2 : Sony Xperia Z free for £ 32 a month with unlimited minutes , unlimited texts and 1GB of data
Three : Samsung Galaxy S4 Mini free for £ 32 a month with 2,000 minutes , 5,000 texts and unlimited web
Carphone :
Sony Xperia Z free on O2 for £ 32 a month with unlimited minutes , texts and 1GB of data


I expected the retailers to struggle , as NFC is a new technology , but on the whole they impressed .
Mike and his unnamed colleague at Carphone didn ’ t seemed bothered by my query , while Three ’ s salesman was confused about which phones were NFC-enabled . Bobby at O2 put in a solid shift but rushed through the NFC demo and was vague on specs .
It then came down to EE , Vodafone and Phones 4U , and it was close .
EE ’ s Jordan kept me waiting longer than was ideal but it was James , with a slight helping hand from Sav , who beat Vodafone ’ s Sam to first place due to the impeccable personal and customer service he provided and the unbeatable offer he came up with .
MN 2013-0730 M-Shopper . indd 31 24 / 07 / 2013 15:35