MLS Jan 2018 Local Attachment MLS local report final | Page 7
HEART framework
(Source: Fernvale Gardens School, Teacher’s Handbook 2018)
2.1.1a Holistic Development
Both the schools in mainstream and SPED schools focus on holistic
development. However, the desired outcomes are different. The
mainstream schools aims to develop students who will be confident,
self-directed learners, active contributors and concerned citizens.
The outcomes for SPED schools, on the other hand, focus on the
following: Living, Learning and Working (LLW). At Fernvale Gardens,
they aim to develop their students’ physical, intellectual, emotional and
social competencies, believing that their students possess the capacity
to learn and to develop their potential to become contributing members
of society.
The school leaders felt that these three outcomes need to be unpacked
and be translated to meaningful and actionable statements which staff
understand. Hence, there were statements that further provided clarity
to each outcome.
At Fernvale Gardens, the ‘Living’ outcome is understood as `(relating)
to personal management, community participants, leisure,
relationships and national identity’. ‘Learning’ outcomes means to
`relate to the active engagement of continual learning to attain relevant
skills and qualifications. ‘Working’ outcomes refer to `gainful and