MLP NEWSLINE March 2021 | Page 4

President ’ s Message

President ’ s Message

Happy New Year and Welcome to 2021 !
While 2020 was a challenge in many ways to many people , it was also a banner year for the landscape industry . Many people spent time at home and wanted to enhance their outdoor environment . It appears employers have changed their thinking about work and their requirement that employees report to buildings daily . With that notion , I assume people ’ s desire to enhance their outdoor living space will continue into 2021 .
I want to take a moment to thank Steve Davis , mclp for his time as President leading us through 2020 . I also wish him luck in his new roles and responsibilities at Bigelow Nurseries . We should all welcome Andy mcDuff , mclp to the board of directors . Andy brings years of experience in the landscape industry and a renewed effort to help grow MLP .
As we saw in 2020 , most in-person events morphed into virtual gatherings , meetings or seminars . MLP was able to make this transition and offered a series of successful webinars . 2021 will continue with more virtual seminars including Plant ID Boot Camp in preparation for the MCLP exam . Please see page 5 for details and watch your email for information about many of MLP ’ s upcoming seminars .
In 2021 , we will continue to partner with NALP and SIMA and , as our cover story illustrates , we eagerly await passage of legislation for Snow and Ice Liability in the state of Massachusetts .
As a board , we will cautiously look at the possibility of a Fall Field Day or even a Dinner Meeting , late in the year . As decisions are made , we will be sure to get the word out . Stay Well , Stay Strong and Work Hard ! We are all lucky that we work outside in the fresh air every day !
Brian Churchill , MCLP , CSP President Brian @ groundsinc . com
Thanks Steve !
Sincere thanks to outgoing MLP president Steve Davis , mclp , of Bigelow Nurseries in Northboro , MA whose positive outlook kept us all on track and future-focused during a year like no other . Your vision and leadership are truly appreciated !
Brian churchill , mclp , cSp The GroundsKeeper , Inc . � Ashland , MA
Karen Kerr , mclp Harrison McPhee , Inc . � Millis , MA
SECRETARY / TREASURER chris connors , mclp Greenscape Land Design , Inc . � Raynham , MA
Andy mcDuff , mclp Landscape America , Inc . � Wrentham , MA
Steve Davis , mclp Bigelow Nurseries � Northboro , MA
EDUCATIONAL ADVISOR mike Davidsohn , mclp UMASS / Stockbridge Landscape Contracting Program
Amherst , MA
MANAGEMENT TEAM m . Virginia Wood peggy Benjamin Kristen Dreyer carrie martin charissa Sharkey
MLP NEWSLINE is a publication of the Massachusetts Association of Landscape Professionals , Inc .
MLP NEWSLINE is published four times a year for the Massachusetts Association of Landscape Professionals ( MLP ) and is distributed free of charge to members . The purpose of the newsletter is to disseminate information to promote general standards and ethics in landscape contracting , as well as to foster research and share knowledge with its members . MLP is a not-for-profit corporation dedicated to communications between its membership and the industry . MLP believes the information in this publication to be accurate as of its publication date and is not responsible for inadvertent errors . The MLP and Massachusetts Certified Landscape Professional ( MCLP ) logos are trademarks of the Massachusetts Association of Landscape Professionals , Inc . Qualified MLP members and certified members only are permitted to utilize the logo . Logos for MLP and MCLP are available through the MLP office .
EDITORIAl Readers are encouraged to submit articles , announcements , review of products , or letters . Address correspondence to the attention of the MLP Newsletter Editor at the address below .
ADVERTISING For advertising rates and information , contact Carrie Martin at cmartin @ MLP-MLCP . org or at the MLP phone number below . Ads may be submitted as high-resolution pdf files . Discounted advertising rates are available to MLP members .
DISclAImER The views and opinions expressed in this newsletter are those of the individual authors and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the MLP .
Massachusetts Association of Landscape Professionals 67 West Street • Medfield , MA 02052 phone : 508.653.3373 info @ mlp-mclp . org • MLP-MCLP . org
4 MLP Newsline | March 2021