Mitochondria Monthly CPEO | Page 8




The diagnosis of CPEO is an extensive four step processes three of which being lab tests.



History Screening

Doctors check the patient’s family history to see if they are predisposed to CPEO due to inheritance.

Muscle Biopsy

A biopsy (figure 1) is a procedure where a tiny sample of muscle (usually your thigh muscle/quadriceps) is examined under a microscope. This procedure is done in a clinic and takes about

20 minutes. The

muscle will be

“frozen” or

numbed with an

anesthetic and

then the doctor

makes an

incision and

removes a

sample of

muscle with a

needle. The incision is then closed with a stitch that will be removed in about a week. The fibres found in the muscle are then examined by quantity and dispersion and compared to that of a regular muscle sample. Patients with CPEO tend to have and increase of ragged red muscle fibres.

figure 1


Muscle biopsy. (n.d.). Retrieved January 01, 2018, from