Missy Ink Magazine Missy Ink Magazine - Fall 2015 - Censorship | Page 83

INKLING FOR INK can be insurmountable. We wanted to reach out to our community and to the survivors to help them finalize their journey and move on from the past with as little cost and trauma possible. M I: You we re re ce ntly flagged and re p o r t ed o n Face bo o k and I nstagram for p o s t i ng i m a g e s o f f e m a l e n i p p l e t a t t o o s that you did in order to let other women know about your work. How did that make you feel? HD: Being flagged for posting artwork of nipples on people who are clearly not posing in a sexual manner and are not violating social media site requirements made me feel pretty bummed but I expected it completely. I have a small circle of close friends and most people on my friends list are strangers. I hope that when people add me, they are doing so for art purposes and aren’t easily offended by the human body and the tattoo photos that I choose to show. I don’t know what people expect