Misfit Tunes The Magazine January 2015 | Page 23

O KNOW state, to get more comfortable singing infront of people... for our final exam i had to sing in front of a classroom of children and i choked!! Haha...I just couldn’t sing... shit was crazy...I felt like a gump...I was definitely high as fuck though...that might have added to my paranoia... but yeah...that hat was pretty bad...I’ll never forget that...but now I sing in the grocery store and anywhere where there are people...thank god... kind of impact if any do you this time next year? want your music to have on Hopefully on somebodys your fans? Tour...getting paidddd! I plan to change the world...I can’t say how yet....not beVideo :: cause I don’t know but because It’s Sensitive information...but I plan to change the way people feel like they have to behave as an artist...I wanna open up the minds of fans and show them it’s ok to be who they are...to follow that voice...that’s always telling to aim higher... Choosin Me What is your mission? What Where do you see yourself www.MisfitTunes.com 23